Interpersonal trust at : LUSENET : work teams : One Thread |
I am doing some research on trust (building on McAllister's model of risk related to ability, benevolence and integrity) and would like to know if anyone has used trust measures and what they found them to be useful for (and their limitations...) I would only be working with a group of professionals for training session (pre-test) and retesting after about 43-6 weeks for changes in trust.Your help is most appreciated....
-- Joyce Martin (, January 23, 2001
This is not really an answer. Is just to say that I'm working more or less in the same field and having the same question as you do. So I hope you can find something. Good luck, Teresa
-- Teresa Cardoso (, May 11, 2001.
the Reina, Dennis and Michelle, are doing interesting work in the field of trust in the workplace, and have developed some good instrumentation. You can contact them through their webpage at Hope this helps.
-- Patricia Pitsel, Ph.D. (, October 10, 2002.