phone service off the grid : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A recent thread on building permits reminded me of this question. I am considering building off the grid and without permits (shhh!). If I do so, will it be possible to get phone service to my location so I can get on-line? My location is on a mountainside and someone has built on the top and has service so there are lines nearby. Just wondering if the phone company needs a "legal" address. Thanks, Jack.

-- jack (, January 21, 2001


sure,, the phone Co, dont care about the permits,, as long as you pay the bill

-- Stan (, January 21, 2001.

A lot depends on the phone company in the state where you live. Most will require a legal residence address for billing purposes. Some phone companies are hand in hand with the zoning authority. Check to make sure the guy on the mountain top does not "own" the line and can require you to pay for hookup. Also you may want to look into radio phones. For internet satellite service is available without a phone line.

-- JLS in NW AZ (, January 21, 2001.

We live in the Colorado permits either. Never had a problem getting phome if it was in the area. Currently have phome and not hooked to grid, and don't ever plan to and wind. I have never heard of a phome company who cared if you were living in a teepee or a 2 milllion dollar house. Most are too big for this kind trivia.

-- Lynette (, January 21, 2001.

Why bother with wires at all? Why not go cellular/PCS? Getting wires to you house will be the expensive part and if your really far off the road your going to pay for it.

With cellular service and the various minute plans it may be a better deal. A directional antenna pointed at a cell site will keep you connected. A small home PBX to interface your "normal" phones to the cell phone will make it look like you have a "wired" phone service.

-- Gary (, January 23, 2001.

you will need a postal address for your bill but for that you can use a POBox i suggest a cellular the type used for burglar alarms they have audio inout that you can connect to a PBX as mention before and are avaible form alarm security distributors ( mfg.Sentrol,DSC.,ADEMCO,)

-- nick malek (, January 24, 2001.

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