Recipes(Cooking) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Several years ago, I heard that most women have only 8 main recipes and they cook them over and over again. They have a few special ones mostly for holidays. While I have some I use more than others, I'm always trying something new. What about you do you only have 8 main recipes or a whole bunch? Men too.

-- Cindy (, January 16, 2001


I would say that's about right. But I'm trying to break out by trying 3 new crock pot recipes next week. I was getting so bored with the usual menu. If any of the new recipes are really great, I'll let you know!

-- Denise (, January 16, 2001.

Well, let's see....

Chicken and noodles, chicken and dumpling, chicken biscut stew, oven fried chicken, chicken fried rice, salmon patties, tuna cassarole, lazy lasagne, pizza, bambino, bbq meatballs, chili, spagetti, veg soup, 'tater soup, chicken fried steak, roast beast, beanie weenies, anything on the grill and stir fry. Gee - it's nice to be above average at something for a change!! I bet that most of us on here are above average on this one though. Some things I have more often than others simply because my family asks for them - or because my husband cooked!! He's got three, by the way: chili, spagetti and what he calls goulash but is really left over chili over macaroni!

-- Polly (, January 16, 2001.

Don't know how many recipes that I use, sorry. I am very curious what bambino is?! I probably am just average on the number of recipes, so if this bambino is good stuff you can help me to be up by oneHAHAHA! Thanks!

-- Nan (, January 16, 2001.

Nan -

The recipe is posted on the Hot Peppers (cooking) thread. It's Italian beef made with deer.

-- Polly (, January 16, 2001.

Thanks, I think I have some venison in the freezer.

-- Nan (, January 16, 2001.

I'm the have a few basic ones, I brown ground beef or goat with onions and put mexican spices in it for burritos, taco salad, the leftovers go in a freezer for soup fixings, I boil a chicken for chicken and rice, mexican chicken casserole, chicken and dumplings, then theres beans, cornbread, potatoes or rice, peas and cornbread, and I make soup with all the leftovers about once a week. On a Sunday I might fix a roast with potatos and carrots if I found one on sale. Special occasions it's homemade lazanya (sp)? homemade french bread, or a roast/ with my homemade dinner rolls. Holidays, my dinner rolls, plum cake, decorated cookies, chex mix, dressing, broccoli, rice, casserole, pecan pie, ugh I'm stuffed already. Oh yeah we have spaghetti to, if they want meat in it, (some of mine don't) we usually use the ground meat with the mexican spices in it, ha, ha! A little non-italy spices, it's mere convenience, can't really taste it that much with the sauce on it.

-- Carol in Tx (, January 16, 2001.

Hi all, I would have to say that i do more than 8 recipes, but i do tend to do certain recipes more often than others. For example in the winter i bake more and make more stews and soups. I have more time for cooking then too.

I have a thought...the homestead way of life make us more adaptable to the foods we eat and prepare, do you agree. My mother could make dinner from empty cupboards, she is the soup Goddess.

I am always looking for new recipes and am currently working on a book full of family favorites and recipes my family have adjusted to our tastes. Got to go get that Bambino recipe. Bye all!!

-- Shau Marie (, January 16, 2001.

I think I make more than 8 things but what I have noticed is that things you made several years ago and really liked you never make anymore. Anyone else found this to be true? I used to make this really wonderful Chicken and broccoli recipe and I can't remember when I made it last. Same is true for Country Captain. And a really good creamed Tuna. It's hard to find new recipes sometimes, the people I work with eat only pizza, tacos, hamburgers, hotdogs etc. It is amazing to me how few young women cook...but then they say their moms didn't either so I guess that explains it.

-- Artie Ann Karns (, January 16, 2001.

That broccoli and chicken sounds good. Sometimes I think you just have to be reminded of what you used to fix. What is the Captain thing?

-- Nan (, January 16, 2001.

Yeah, Artie; what is the Capitan thing?!

I'm not sure the girls don't cook because their Mom's didn't. I can't for the life of me get my daughter to cook - not even to impress her Sweetie! I think she's either a mutant, or the hospital gave me the wrong baby! All the women in my family cook - well, okay; my cousin Barb doesn't....but she's skinny too, so we know she really isn't one of us!!

-- Polly (, January 16, 2001.

Hmmmmmm....pasta w/red sauce, pasta w/cheese sauce, pasta w/egg-garlic-cheese sauce, pasta w/pesto (gee, can you tell this swamp yankee married an eye-talian!?!), venison chili, venison stew, venison meatloaf (and, can you tell the afore-mentioned eye-talian hunts?), rabbit stew, rabbit ragu (over pasta, 'natch), chicken pot pie, roasted chicken, bbq chicken, grilled venison steaks (au poivre), cream of chicken over rice, cream of rabbit over noodles, nachos, cuban black bean soup, cassoullet (only once a year, tho), myriad of bean soups, pea soup, veggie soups, salads, - sigh - , well, you get the point...I have an annoying tendancy to vary my recipes as well - so quite often the dishes may change according to my whims!

-- Judi (, January 16, 2001.

Oh Artie......What is that captain thingy? Ya' got me curious!

-- Nan (, January 17, 2001.

8? HA! My crew is out of luck if I luck on something they really like -- because I can seldom remember what went into it! I come from the old school of "throw it in a pot" -- it generally comes out pretty good -- and I'm good at the old standby's -- roast beef, roast chicken, anything grilled.

Eight recipes? Nope -- sorry!!!

-- Tracy (, January 22, 2001.

Gee, I must have at least 40 recipes I use. I rotate them. They are written in a notebook as I use them and crossed off. That's how I plan our meals-weekly. I've been doing this for at least 37 years and, yes, I do try different ones. Lately I've been collecting crockpot recipes on-line and adding them to the list. My husands favorites are pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza! .

-- Ardie from WI (, January 22, 2001.

6-8-10 recipes I can't beleive my eyes. If you say you have 8 family favorites I can understand that. I think cooking is the most relaxing part of my day. Of course cleaning up afterward is for the birds. You have so many choices of recipes on the web is one place to go. Crockpots are an easy way out of standing over a hot stove. There is no better reward than after a nice meal you get "Thanks Mom that was really

-- Minni West (, January 22, 2001.

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