If you were the opposite sex for a day...

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If you were the opposite sex for a day, what's the very first thing you'd do?

I'd jack off. Then I'd see how far I could pee.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2001


With my luck, I'd have menstrual cramps all day.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

first things first- get a blow job.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

I'd have to go with the blow job idea.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

I'm with Katie. I'd have some fun with my new-found appendage. Maybe see if I could write my name in the snow. *L*

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

EW! In The Guide to Getting It On, some chick talks about how she loves to go out with her boyfriend/husband/whatever and stand behind him while he pees so she can hold his dick and write stuff (like her name) in the snow with his piss.

Erm... not a turn-on for me, thanks...

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

Okay, so first I would pee standing up. Then I'd jack off. Then I'd go shopping for clothes just to see what it's like to not have hips.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

Blow jobs don't just fall out of the sky, you know.


-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

I wish blow jobs fell out of the sky. That's just an incredibly cool mental image. If I had a dick, I would probably sit and mess with it all day, like everyone else has said. And if I was a guy, I guess I would make lewd comments and lord my sexuality over on females. And I'd go around shirtless. And probably I'd go for a run and enjoy not having to strap my chest down with a sports bra.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

"Blow jobs don't just fall out of the sky, you know."

Ain't that the truth.

As a chick, hmmm... I realize it would be tough to get this accomplished in one day, but I'd like to give birth. That way, after I changed back, when I complained about being in pain and the smarmy women in my life (most of whom live with Katie (wink)) said, "Oh, shut up, you don't know pain, you've never given birth," I could say, "Oh yes I have!"

Then again, they probably wouldn't believe me. I mean, would you?

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001

I'd jack off, catch one of the blowjobs falling out of the sky, and pay for a whore *just* so I could see what sex is like from a man's point of view.

-- Anonymous, January 17, 2001

I'd probably have way too much fun! I'd shop for clothes too. Wearing baggy clothes and stuff that doesn't match and wearing no bra sounds way more appealing to me than jacking off...

I know, I'm strange.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 2001

Yup, if was a girl, I'd go clothes shopping. Go into a shop, run the staff ragged, then storm out screaming how they don't have my size.

And then go to a night-club, find some guy to lead on all night, take him home, and shatter his personality by saying 'No, I don't want sex, hon" after getting him extremely horny.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

Sounds like you've had a rough night or two. j/k

So much of what I can think of would depend on whether I would be an attractive woman or not. Kinda hard to get picked up and flirt with strangers if I was as ugly as I think I'd be as a woman. Women's locker room at the gym would be high on my list. Let's face it, tomorrow I'm going to be a guy again. Storing that memory might be nice. Oh, and I'd like to find out if it's easier to be a lesbian picking up women then a man doing so.


-- Anonymous, January 30, 2001

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