big greensboro history : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Has anyone heard any news about the future of the southern railway depotin greensboro,n.c. ? last i heard it was going to be a transportation center for greensboro and does anyone have any info on the carolina model railroaders inc? they moved out of the depot and i havent head any info on them since either any info on this will help!

-- Charles Alberson (, January 13, 2001


The bond package passed this fall, so I believe they intend to build the transportation center there, which will consist of taxi's, bus, etc until passenger service ever returns. What a shame to trash such a beautiful facility with a clientile that will consist of homeless men, welfare mothers and drug pushing youth. That whole area including the old Southern/NS office bldg (2/3 stories) should be saved and preserved. Convert it into an area similar like the NC Transportation Museum. The City would actually make money with tourism. Someone should ask the city and county if they can find money to waste on FEDEX and the "civil rights" museum (boondoogle), why can't they find $ for preserving our hertigage?

-- robert smith (, January 13, 2001.

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