Question about fruit trees ( The Garden. orchard ) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Lynn and I were given 2 apple and 2 plum fruit trees in "dormant state" with the roots wrapped in plastic. I have them in our cool cellar until I can plant them. My question: They are starting to bud and its too cold for them to be planted. Can I leave them in the cellar and save the buds? Should I do anything beside keep the soil pack moist? These are the first trees I have ever got in January.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 12, 2001


I am no expert by any means but if your trees are starting to bud it must be too warm in your basement..40 degrees or more. If you can keep your trees unplanted at a temp of less than 40 dgrees, go ahead. Otherwise you are better off to heel them in outside in a protected area or go ahead and plant them just be sure to protect them if you are going to have a hard freeze. We live in North central Arkansas and I think we are in the same zone as you...Last frost anywhere from April 1rst thru April 30th. Here I think our last frost date is April 20th. We have planted fruit trees in frozen ground that we thought we would never get dug just made sure it was on a south slope and they did fine. I doubt seriously you can save your buds, but I sure could be wrong. I'm interested to see what other advice you get. Good luck.

-- Artie Ann Karns (, January 12, 2001.

Can you put them in big pots in a cool greenhouse or hoop house? That will slow down their development til you can get them in the ground.

If they leaf out and get frost nipped,they re-leaf.Trees are tough that way.Don't expect them to do it a second time tho.

I've planted fruit trees that I received leafed out,no problem.Keep them watered is the trick.

If you get them in the future-just heal them in somewhere,or plant them right away.You are warmer than where I am,and I plant all sorts of things,at all times.I've planted trees in December with no problem.Just keep watering.I can't remember planting any in Jan,but it shouldn't be a problem if the arrive dormant.Just Info for next time

-- sharon wt (, January 12, 2001.

I guess it is the temperature. The cellar is about 55 degrees. Guess I'll try planting them and gamble. Thanks.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 12, 2001.

Jay - if they've been in a 55 basement,they are probably out of dormancy completely.It only takes a week or two.

So if you can pot them up and put them under fluorescent lights, maybe, that will carry them for you.If you put them out now, they may not make it.They can take a frost but not a hard freeze like we may still get.If they were still in dormancy,then it would be no problem.

-- sharon wt (, January 12, 2001.

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