Any ideas where I can pass on out-of-date Lookouts, Standards, etc? : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread |
I just came to the Spartanburg Christian Church a few months ago & found that we have stacks of "good," out-of-date Bible study literature. Do you know of anyone that can use this stuff? I thought I would check here before I trash it. Thanks & God Bless you all. -Jeff
-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001
Jeff....I use to work with the Jamaica Christian Mission and it seems to me they always appreciated this material.
You could contact one of two folks......both whose e-mail address you will find on some thread in this forum. If not....just post a message for them.
That is.....Wayne Lowen, President of Florida Christian College.....and Darrell Combs who is on the board of the Jamaica Christian College.
As long as you would pay the postage.....I'm sure they might be able to find a use for them.
In Christ,
-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001
Thanks Brother, I'll give that a try. -Jeff
-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001
We also use them here in Hong Kong in the church I work with. We primarily use those that are less than one year old, since we give them out one year after the date of the issue in order to keep seasonal things seasonal. If we get older ones we put them out as extras, esp. when we are low on the ones for that date (one year ago), but we only have a limited need for those.The address to send them to is:
New Testament Church of Christ c/o Benjamin Rees 85 Broadway, Flat B, 5th floor Mei Foo Sun Chuen Kowloon, HONG KONG China.
The cheapest way to send them is by surface "M-Bag", provided you have enough. (I think the minimum is 11 lbs.) Otherwise surface printed matter rates.
Thanks in advance if you send us any.
-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001