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What classes are you taking this semester?

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001


Geometry. Mathematical Methods. Statistics (or "Sadistics" as I like to call it). Mathematical Investigations.

Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to what I'm studying?

It's actually not as bad as it sounds.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

MTH 130 - Pre-Calculus ENG 101 - Freshman Composition GEO 121 - Cultures of the World BIO 101 - General Biology PED 169 - Aerobic Kickboxing

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

statistics 1. humanities 1. writing 2. lit 1.

first two days were yesterday and the day before. so far all the teachers seem pretty cool, but i think i'm gonna have a hard ass time with statistics. urgh.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

Abnormal Psych, Psychology of Human Sexuality, Statistics for Behavioral Science, and Developmental Psychology. I got shut out of Advanced Creative Writing (the class I *really* wanted) at the last minute (stupid computer registration error). I'm going to go nuts with all this psych and NO ENGLISH CLASSES! Ack!

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

MTH 150 (It's my 3rd semester and I *finally* got into it), Intermediate Accounting (Scared, finally into my Major courses), World History to 1500, Information Systems 220, and Dance Appreciation (This is the last apprec. im required to take! w oohoo.)

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy & Dissection, Medicine & Society, Foundations of Medical Science and Basic Clinical Medicine. To quote Zed, guess what I'm studying??

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

ah, its my last semester of high school. yes.

im taking....

Civics & Consumerism A.P Psychology Yearbook A.P English

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

Trig, Advanced Sports and Entertainment Marketing, AP Literature, Language Assistant, Business Law, Physics, and AP Gov' semester all the same, but I hav math analysis instead of trig, and sociology instead of business law.

5 more months!

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

I'm still in High School. Oh woe is me, woe is me. Calculus, Law and Society Honors, Physics II, Modern Lit, AP Spanish. Get me out of here, please.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

Calculus, German, Psychology, Anatomy & Physiology, AP US History, Honors English

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

cc 105- mythology hist 202- history 1877-present geol 206- oceans and nations - about nations and how they interact with the oceans, and topics involving the ocean, like ocean mining (hey, it's fulfills my core requierment, nad sounded at least HALFway interesting...). ads 231- photography 1 ads 242- type and image- graphic design

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

Advanced Writing, Advanced Analytical Reading, Background of American Literature, Persuasive Communication, Translation I, Listening and Speaking IV, and Thai for Foreigners.

*cheers 'cause I'm finally a senior*

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

katie i think you'll appreciate this. i'm in applied history, which is a one of a kind class where we do all this kick ass history stuff first semester, and second semester we have an internship. i'm thinking either ford's theatre or a library in alexandria. too bad you weren't raised up here, this is so the class for you.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

medieval european literature, intro to social psych, crime stories and american film, and survey of spanish literature. (and hopefully: poetry/prose workshop.)

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

I'm on my last semester of high school too, whee! AP biology, honors british lit, honors art, lit, & psychology [that's one whole class], pre-calc, Latin III. And maybe a quilting class. 2nd semester doesn't start for a couple weeks.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

damn, is it just me or was no one else offered classes like whats be talking about in high school? as for me: introduction to horticulture, intro. to hort. lab, ornamental plant propagation, plant prop lab, intro to chemistry (go to hell dr. chang!), intro to chem lab, intro to world religion, and economics. i'm gonna kill myself...

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

I'm taking Interdisiplinary Studies 38 - Shakespeare: "For All Time" (studying Shakespeare from a theatrical, literary and historical point of view), an Astronomy Lab (woo, looking at stars...required, but fun), Speech 3 - Debate (required...::rolls eyes::), Honours College Composition with focus on texts about Paranoia and Conspiracy, Theatre Arts 107 - Directing for the Theatre, and Philosophy 12A - an advanced logic class or Anthropology 25 - Culture Gender and Sexuality (depending on whether I can take the logic class based on the classes I've already taken).

I'm double majoring in Philosophy and Human Sexuality with focus on Anthropology of Gender or something. Yeah. F

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

For some reason my posts always get cut off. I was also gonna say that my classes don't start for another too weeks. Yeah

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

So...I'm not in school right now (I hope to be a student again this summer/fall), but I still drop in on lectures on topics I find interesting. Call it a perverse interest in learning, I guess. Anyway, time permitting, I'm probably going to crash in on courses on term structure of interest rates, topos theory, and embedded systems design, three topics I'm seriously interested in these days (and the last being quite related to my current job).

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

I have the most FUN semester ahead of me. I am taking no classes that I don't completely love. And here they are: Playing An Action, Actor's Voice II, Playwriting Seminar, American Drama, 20th Century British Literature, Approaches to Literature, and Applied Music (voice class - woo hoo!)

Is anyone else as completely thrilled about school starting as me?? I can't fucking wait.

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

I'm taking: Survey of World Religions Intermediate Spanish 2 Intrapersonal Communications Earth Science.

One more semester and I'll have my associate's in communications. I'm transferring to a 4 year university hopefully for the fall semester. Whoever said that they were looking forward to school starting I offer a full-blown AMEN!! I'm sooo bored right now.


-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

ohgod, that looked like one big long answer. let me try again. I'm taking: Survey of World Religions, Intermediate Spanish 2, Intrapersonal Communications, and Earth Science

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

Drawing I, Drawing I, Art Theory, Art History, Three dimensional structures, Two dimensional structures. I don't have to take English.. woo! since I took it last year when I was doing the sciences.

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

I'm in my second-to-last semester of happy-English-major-land, so now I've got just the last of my major to finish up. It's not looking too pretty -- do you have any idea how much reading upper-level English classes require?! And I have four of my thesis for journalism (my minor, which I'm really interested in, but had to major in English because my university is stupid) Ugh. School hasn't even started yet (we go back the 22nd), and I'm already exhausted =P

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

Well, I'm not taking any classes this semster, but I'm planning on started my masters program in Organization Development during the summer @ Marymount in northern VA. Yeah, go me... I'll be paying back my college loans till I die! :)

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

In High School - Intro to Sociology and Advanced Composition. Up at the college, I'm taking Interpersonal Communication and GEO350 Environmental Conservation. Yay.

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

Still in high school - sophomore year. We're on this dumbass block scheduling thing, so it's as if I've already taken a year of classes. I have: Honors English 2 Math Analysis & Trigonometry (a single class) Symphonic Band AP European History (dual enrollment - college class Western Civilizations I and II - it's a 27 week course. Shoot me.)

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

shit woman! you only updated yesterday and look how many people have already responded! next time I hear (or see, rather) you complain about not having any readers, I'm going to remind you of how many people are obsessed with you!

anyway, I'm still in high school, luckily I only have one semester until I'm out of this crappy ass place! I seriously cannot stand school anymore. two years ago, school was the greatest place to be, aside from the whole having to learn aspect. Now, it has become stricly an obligatory daily ritual. I get up, go to school (where nothing exciting happens, less than another of my fellow students telling me about how much ass they've gotten in the last month), go to work, come home to a family of screaming idiots who don't even notice that I've even come home because they are too busy wrapped up in their own depressing lives full of work and school, where I non-chalantly (or however it's spelled) creep upstairs to my room where I attempt to do my homework, but end up falling asleep at 8.

Now that I have totally bored you all to death with my rants, I guess it's about time I answer the fucking question and get on with it!

I have a rather light load of classes this year, compared to the last three years when I had 8. Now I only have 5: physics, econ/civics (only two more days of econ! i'm so excited!), english, dance, adn calculus. sure it's only 5 classes, but they are pretty hard, so I have about the same homework load as the past three years, plus a job and life on top of that. I'm hanging in a thread...

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2001

Motivation, Ethics, American Constitutional Development, and something to replace my cancelled Religion and American Politics class. Probably intro Econ or Environmental Policy. Gotta stay full time for my last semester. Ahh, last semester. I like the sound of that.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2001

1. French 1004 -- the final frontier 2. Honors Biogeography of the Global Gardens -- biological sciences with a lab -- ha! 3. Human Rights and Democracy in the World 4. Presidential Leadership & Power

16 credits, end of story. Requirements galore being filled!

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2001

english 102, comparative religions, middle eastern humanities, structure mind and behavior, modern latin america and creative writing 195c. i go to the university of know your jealous..

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2001

Six credit hours of Theatre 491 - "Practicum". Actually, it's very cool, as I am now getting college credit for the job I am doing either way at Virginia Stage Company. The real reason is so that I can maintain my "student" status and delay paying off my student loans longer. I like it though - a class that I can not fail to get an A in. Yay. Go me! Oh, and by the way, Katie - you forgot me in the litany of people getting married. Oh - wait - that's because I've been engaged for two years and don't show any signs of actually getting married any time soon. Damn. At this rate I'll be Adelaide from "Guys and Dolls". Actually, my grandmother's name is Adelaide, but she's been married for 50 years. (The celebration of which postponed my imaginary wedding this year.) You should see the play we're doing right now, "Dinner With Friends". It's VERY cool. It's about the point halfway between gooey wedding nastyness and oozy orifice nastyness. Ok, I'm rambling like a mother fucker. I think I'll stop now. (Do motehrfuckers really ramble? Discuss...)

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

Yee. Normally, I'm against telling people what I'm taking cuz it makes my coolness factor drop by at least 10 I just dye my hair bright colors and get various piercings to attempt to make up for it... I'm attemping a Computer Science/Pure Math joint degree.. Comp Sci 455 - Hardware Comp Sci 321 - Introduction to Circuit Design Comp Sci 333 - Foundations of Software Engineering (notice a pattern?) Pure Math 321 - Cryptography

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

Intro to government U.S. History 18 (reconstruction through present) Principles of Student Leadership Elements of biology Lab Computer Business Applications/Windows (damn pre req class) Intro to computer science (my major)

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

Nothing - I finished last year (and it's strange saying 2000 as last year)

Now I'm just Mr.Bum until I snag a job...

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2001

english 100 Composition, math 100, drafting for theatre, theatre costume lab, & the history of WWII.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

you know, i really don't get this whole 'required classes' thing that goes on over there. some of them are quite bizarre. you don't get that in australia!

i'm just about to start my last year of university, and i'm taking : litigation, equity & trusts, family law, professional conduct, private international law, succession, law and ethics of healthcare and succession. pretty heavy, but at least i'm done this year. and once again, gee, guess what i study?

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001

I'm going for a major in pure mathematics, minor in chem, and my education degree: Calculus 2, Linear Algebra 2 (vector spaces), Chem 2 & lab, Developmental Psych, Women's Studies, Education and 10 days of practicum in an elementary classroom.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001

I have no class.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001

Here at Camp Denidoo, we started classes on Tuesday. They've all gone pretty well... I'm taking Eng 215-Shakespeare, POSC 370- Media and Politics, POSC 222- Comparative Politics of Developing Nations and WMST 307- Gender Justice/Feminist Theory... doubling in poli sci and women's studies.

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2001

Oooh, Eric. You didn't need to say that. We already know that you have no class.

*smooches* :P

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2001

hmm i have Democratic Philosphys of Education, Business Speech(Last of those pesky core classes), Early experience in Pre School Education -Practicum and all (6 hours total), Music for Elementary teachers,

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2001

Matt - Computer Science geeks with strangely coloured hair and various pierced things top my coolness quotient list. :P

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2001

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