Did you know we have a denominational historiographer?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Bill Dickens mentioned that we owe a debt of gratitude to Bishop Tanner for opening the doors for other scholars. Our denomination is very blessed to have our own AME historiographer his name is Dr. Dennis Dickerson, PH.D, L.H.D. I received two inspirational books from him called "Religion, Race, and Region research notes on AME church history" and "The AME Church Review" I recommend these publications highly! The Table of Contents is as follows from "Research news on AME church history" *African Methodism and the Revival of the Wesleyan Tradition, *Richard Allen: Fresh Questions for a Familiar Figure, *Daniel Alexander Payne and the Making of the African Methodist Episocpal Church, *Canaan in Canada: The Founding of the British Methodist Episcopal Church, *William Fisher Dickerson: Northern Preacher/Southern Prelate, *Winfield Henri Mixon: Pioneer Presiding Elder in Alabama, *John Adams: An A.M.E. Preacher in Nebraska Politics, *Rocky Mountain Evangelists: A.M.E Women in Ministry 1905-1906, *Henry M. Turner and Black Latinos: The Mission to Cuba and Mexico and *Easter M. Gordon: A Colored Churchman in South Africa, 1949-1978. We are indeed fortunate to have a historiographer such as Dr. Dickerson to keep track of our past and inspire our future. He is in Nashville TN.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001


Dr. Dickerson has been a very successful historiagrapher indeed. In addition to his duties in the expanded/combined departmental role (GenCon 2000 combined the Historiagrapher with editor of the AME Review), Dr. Dickerson is also a professor of history at Vanderbilt University, and a contirbutor to the African American Heritage Bible.

Dr. Dickerson was first elected to the office in 1988, and has served as Historiagrapher for 12 years before being elected to the new combined role last year. Dr. Dickerson previously was a member of the faculty at Williams College in Williamstown, MA. He received his undergraduated training at Lincoln University.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

I have heared Rev. Dickerson speak many times. He is excellent. A few years ago I heared him at Founders Day here in the First District and he gave a presentation on little known facts about the founding of the AME church and about our early Bishops. He even handed out notes from annual conferences in the past and we were able to all look through them and see what our church was doing at the time.

I actually found information from when some of our older members were teenagers in Sunday school and also information when my church was actually part of a Circuit. He also gave us some excellent tips on finding out more history of our local churches.He also is an excellent Bible Study teacher. He taught Bible study at Christian Education Congress about 2 years back and he was very insightful.

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

We are indeed fortunate to have someone like Dr. Dickerson. I hope Rev. Fisher asks Dr. Dickerson to share some of the articles he has written on the AME-Today page. It would be a treat for all of us!

-- Anonymous, January 10, 2001

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