Laptop Computers : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I would like to know where I can find a laptop computer with a satellite uplink for under $2000. Is this even possible?

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001


Laps are being Blown away in Retail and you should be able to find some deals. Try the Grey Market or the Makers who "rebuild". Even IBM rebuilds as does Dell.

Compaq and HP were cutting Laps in Sunday's specials and a good deal is the one with the $400 kickback with MSN. Use the MSN "high speed" (dsl) and

Try for Re-sellers ....Over Stocks... in the grey market. Best prices will be for older slower processors. Add some xtra Ram and make up the difference. Few people use CAD/CAM or play games on a LAP. Business users can live with a P-II or even slower. The Wire or the Satellite is on you.

USE.......Frey's as a "baseline" and see if you can get Retail to "MEET OR BEAT". HINT: CompUSA has their own brand and in desktops, Intel was the maker.

This time of year is also a good bet to buy "demo models" and remember, they come with the orig. Warrantees.

Like a lot of other people, I'm waiting for the unit that will occupy the space between the Lap and the hand helds. I refuse to pay for a hand held that needs $1,100 worth of extras to get 1/2 the functionality of a Lap/Desktop the same time need a chopstick or pencil and magnifying glasses to send an email. The craziest thing I've ever seen is the keyboard and "cradle" for your "hand held".

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

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