What do you have to take with you on a mountain climbing trip?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
I was wondering what kind of equiptment do you need to tak with you when you go on a rock climbing trip?Please write back asap. Thanks!Lacy Laughton
-- Lacy Laughton (filburt19@hotmail.com), January 04, 2001
Lots of beer. That that stuff in Freedom of the Hills isn't really needed. It's only in there because the gear companies are paying for advertising.
-- Sherpa Jeff (jeff@am.net), January 04, 2001.
I'd suggest a lady friend to keep you warm at night. Sometimes sheep have to do. Virgin wool is appreciated.j.
ps If this isn't a troll, contact me and I'll lay it all out.
-- jason liebgott (jliebgott@hotmail.com), January 04, 2001.