Color of egg is not inline with Orpington breed or is it? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm a bit baffled, I have 11 Buff Orpington hens and they are just starting to lay eggs. The first 8 eggs were a gorgeous brown color. Then comes three light pickish color. Does this mean I don't have all Orpington? Or is it the lack in some nutrient there not getting? Greatly appreciate any helpful comments! Pam

-- Pam Sanford (, January 03, 2001


The majority of the buff orpingtons I have had have laid pinkish white or pinkish brown eggs.

-- (, January 03, 2001.

PAM, Wow, you are finally getting a quantity of eggs from your hens. You probably know by now it is just a color variation, and doesn't mean you have a different breed of chicken. As they continue to lay, you will be amazed at how many shades of brown eggs you will get. And the very cool thing is, after awhile, you can identify which hen layed a particular egg by the size, shape, and color of the egg. This is easiest to do when you have a small flock of hens. Have fun and talk to you later.

-- karen (, January 03, 2001.

Thanks! Glad to know I don't have a mixture of chicken breeds. Pam

-- Pam (, January 03, 2001.

Hi Pam, I have Buff Orps too, they are into their third year of laying, and their eggs have a broad variation of "normal", wait till you find the tiny, "baby" eggs, and the monster doubleyolkers, makes me cringe to realize the poor hen had to pass that thing!!! The other varieties I've had in previous years all had great color variation too, shell coloration is a great variable in laying hens of most all breeds. Have fun discovering all those different eggs!

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 03, 2001.

Annie, thanks for the info. I had no idea of all the different variables of egg productions chickens had. I have the book "A Guide To Raising Chickens" by Gail Damerow, she didn't write about that. Thanks again.

-- Pam (, January 04, 2001.

I am not aanswering your quwastion,but asking if you have any Buff Orpingtons for sale!? We live in the Borders and am searching for these? Can you help me please? Liz

-- Liz Gradidge (, January 29, 2002.

I am not aanswering your question,but asking if you have any Buff Orpingtons for sale!? We live in the Borders and am searching for these? Can you help me please? Liz

-- Liz Gradidge (, January 29, 2002.

I am not answering your question, but asking if you have any Buff Orpingtons for sale!? We live in the Borders and am searching for these? Can you help me please? Liz

-- Liz Gradidge (, January 29, 2002.

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