Elwood Enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have the opportunity to pick up a 5x7 Elwood enlarger for $100. I want to print 4x5 negatives (I will probably modify the negative carrier somehow). Is it a good enlarger, what kind of evenness will occur with a 4x5 negative, and is this a good deal? I need to know FAST so please respond quickly if possible.
-- Erik Asgeirsson (erik2@mediaone.net), January 03, 2001
Erik, I purchased one a few months ago and when I have gotten the chance I've been getting it ready for 5x7 work. I paid about $250 for mine in pretty good shape, and they run between $200 to $300. I've heard good things about them as far as a cheap way to enlarge 5x7 negatives. They are build like tanks and seem to last forever. I think mine is going to work out fine. If the one your'e looking at is in good shape, $100 bucks is a pretty good deal. I have made a few test enlargements with mine and I'm satisfied with it. I have a Beseler for my 4x5 work. It works out great. Hope this helps.
-- Brett Thomas (thomasphotograph@aol.com), January 03, 2001.
If you can handle it's size, get it. You can always sell it for your investment and probably more.Aristo makes cold light heads for these, so you can always go that route if you choose.
-- Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com), January 03, 2001.
Erik, Like Brett, I too use an old Elwood for 5x7 and a Beseler for 4x5 and smaller. The Elwood is a fine old enlarger that normally uses a #301 300 watt lamp. These may be hard to find, however there is a large decorative 150 watt globe bulb is made by Phillips for home use that will work. This was OK until I found a used 5x7 Aristo at a flea market. The carrier is normally glass and can be masked for 4x5. You might be able to make or adapt a glassless carrier for it. Tony Rustako
-- Tony Rustako (ajr1000@att.net), January 03, 2001.
Erik: If you have the room for it, I would recommend getting it. The price if very good. Those ol' Elwoods are practically bulletproof and give good results. They were designed for and used by professionals. I think they will be around long after the newer enlargers are taking up space in the city dump. They make good prints with just the diffusion head, but they really sing with a cold light head.Regards,
-- Doug Paramore (dougmary@alaweb.com), January 04, 2001.
Erik, I use an Elwood 5x7 for all my 4x5 work. I love it. At 100.00 its a bargain. The glass negative carrier will produce fine results if you use good quality glass that is designed for this purpose. I prefer this to the glassless carriers because it keeps my negatives flat and in place. (I use a Durst 606 with this type of carrier) The only thing you should be aware of, is that if you are going to make large prints it helps to stablize the enlarger. At full height it gets a little un-balanced. Good luck. Steve
-- Steve Roche (stevemr@earthlink.net), January 06, 2001.