Sublettering code for diesel era locomotives : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

How do you calculate the alpha sublettering code for the Sou. Rwy. diesel locomotives? I remember seeing this info in an article several years ago and it is a weighting system assigned to the specific value of each digit of the locomotive. Can someone share this formula weighting and calculation in order to assist with proper number/sublettering in future modeling projects.

I have acquired 2 undecs and 2 no numbers of the Atlas GP-38 and would like to model with correct number and subletter check code.

Thanks from a "Southern Man in Va."

-- Leonard Littlejohn (, January 02, 2001


Leonard--the cehck codes are explained on Steve Smith's web page under "Rosters". THere is a link to his page on the "Links" menu item here. Also, I suggest you look at a bunch of photos of SRY GP38s in the "Photos" section here and in the Withers Southern diesel book. As you will note they were all built with 1700 gallon tanks not the 2600 gallon ones on the Atlas unit. Also, the bell needs to be put on the long hood end and the horn needs to be removed and a couple P3s placed on the ends of the hoods. The other big problem is the dynamic brake which on the model is a standard one and Soutehrn's were all extended range versions. Other than that its closer than an Athearn.

-- Larry (, January 02, 2001.

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