Fade Away Girlsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
I am looking for information on fade away girls.... are they art deco?
-- lakeofshinningwaters (lakeofshinningwaters@excite.com), January 02, 2001
Since Coles Phillips introduced "fade-away girls" in 1908 and died in 1927, most of his illustrations predate Art Deco.You can find a nice biography of Coles Phillips at http://www.nowtranslations.com/cp.htm
Diana Fallacara sells Coles Phillips prints (among many others). Her gallery features many fade-away girls, which you can view in detail. Visit http://www.tias.com/stores/hfisherbab/coles/1.html
-- Joel Shprentz (jshprentz@adsw.org), January 02, 2001.