VCD program for DVD PC : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I need a program that would allow me to play my VDC disks on my PC. The DVD disks play great.Thank you.
Charlie Jones
-- Charles E. Jones (, January 01, 2001
You can try a free software called Jet-Audio, it is AudioStation software that suport VCD, CD, and MIDI player.Get it at ers/Review_13952_index.html
Good luck
-- Cher (, January 01, 2001.
real player basic 8
-- Rod Geddes (, March 27, 2001.
Power DVD can play VCD's. Also, VideoStation by Voyetra can play VCD's.
-- Brian (, November 28, 2001.
I would like to play some of the video program in vcd system
-- carlos muņoz cajiao (, November 04, 2003.