I need a comparison of prices from 1934 and 2000greenspun.com : LUSENET : Economic History (and Related Observations) : One Thread |
I am doing a project for school about comparing prices from 1934 to 2000. Can you give me prices of typical grocery items, movie tickets, going to a restaurant, minimum wage, and clothing. Please e-mail me back as soon as possible! Thanks. Nicole Senerius
-- Nicole Senerius (bsbznumber1fan@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000
lets have sex
-- aldjs (ksadfj@aol.com), March 17, 2003.
Go to dmarie.com/timecap Put in your date. It will give you headlines and books. Keep clicking continue until your final product comes up. There will be basic food prices.
-- Carly (Carlyhoeler@yahoo.com), April 17, 2003.