Which CD-R brand plays on all drives?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have attempted to burn my own CD-R VCD for personal use. My only problem is that I have noticed that some CD Rom drives (like some at work and some friends PC) don't load the information on cd-r even with the proper drivers and players. They wont even load. I assume it has to do with the brand of CD. I have burned WAV. (music CD) successfully, but they also tend to play on some systems and not on others. Is there a difference and which is the best brand for universal use.

I would hate to burn music CDs and Mpeg1 VCD that will only play on my system.

-- John Blah (John@aol.com), December 28, 2000


I had problems playing CD-R's on my Car hifi, and after trying several I settled on Verbatim (recommended in another forum). If you're in the UK try svpcommunications.co.uk. I use these for amlost everything except data recording where I use cheapies. Having said that, my Philips DVD player plays VCDs made on anything.

-- Terry Rush (trush@homemail.com), December 31, 2000.

There really is no such thing.

Every CDR is manufactured a little differently and no company can promise you that their brand will work on all drives (if they do, they are lieing).

Your best bet is to look around for some well manufactured high quality CDRs. You limit the chance of failure at that point, but are not promised perfection.

-- Nick (nick@rightstep.org), January 02, 2001.

Try Princo CD-R. I had the same problem of finding a CD-R that plays on my Car CD player, my sony DVD, my office CD player and finally got Princo. It works great on all of them and they are very cheap. I got a 100 spindle for about $40.

-- An anonymous guy (Anonymous@anonymous.com), February 04, 2001.

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