Does the TC14A work with matrix metering : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I've been searching the web and these fora without success trying to find out if Nikon D matrix metering works with the TC14A, the teleconverter recommended for the new 80-400 VR lens. Someone must know. Pls tell me

-- Joseph Hearst (, December 28, 2000


The TC14a has no databus contacts and so any function requiring data exchange between the body and lens' CPU is not available. This includes matrix metering on current AF bodies, AF and also the Vibration Reduction (which, BTW, only works with the D1, F5, F100 and n80/F80 bodies). I recently got the 80-400VR, and I intend to try it with my Kenko 1.5x AF teleconverter which does have databus and does permit both AF and matrix metering with my F5 and F100, to see if the VR will operate or not.

-- Jay (, December 30, 2000.

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