Looking for that Hot Choclate Recipe w/pudding in it!?? (Kitchen)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have been searching for the recipe someone posted recently for Hot Choclate. It had powdered milk, pudding mix and......

If anyone has it or knows where it is archived, I would really appreciate the info! Thanks!

-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000


Hi, Wendy, that was me. Look for it under the cooking or kitchen archives...that is where I stuck it. If you can't find it, get back with me, and I'll send it to you! (one of my boys is slurping down a big ole' mug of it now).

-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000.

Thanks, I will go back through the archives and look again. I must have passed right over it! Thanks!

-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000.

hot choclate?? are we talking about making your own mix,,,, my receipe doesnt call for pudding

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), December 28, 2000.

Hi Stan, yes it is a recipe for Cocoa Mix. If you go into the archives to "Country Kitchen" and scroll down towards the bottom, you will see it titled "My Instant Hot Cocoa Mix." Sounds like a wonderful mix and it does have pudding mix in it. Good Luck!

-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000.

I can attest that this cocoa mix is great. I liked the idea so well that I made a big double batch of it and gave a quart jar filled with it to each of my staff along with a mug that matched their hobbies/interests. I cut out squares of Christmas material to cover the lids and make them more festive. Then I put everything into one of those Christmas bags that I got at the "Big Lots" store for 99 cents each. The whole gift was quite inexpensive but looked like they cost a pretty penny. They were a hit at the office. Thanks for providing the recipe in time for Christmas.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), December 29, 2000.

I forgot to mention that it was suggested that you may want to add some cocoa to the recipe and I did add a half cup because I like a more chocolatey cocoa.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), December 29, 2000.

I found this one but haven't tried it yet. 3 cups powdered sugar 8oz. powdered milk 16oz. Nestle's Quick 6oz. coffee creamer 1 small pkg. instant choc. puddding

-- Jeanne (jcd@webtv.net), January 02, 2001.

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