Apex AD-703 Mpeg-->VCD Question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ok, so i know that most of you know more about computers than me. so anyway, i got a cool new DVD player for christmas, its an APEX. but anyway, along with playing DVD's and CD's, it can play MP3's and VCD's. VCD's so it says are computer video files, such as Mpeg(not sure about QT yet). anyway, i have some of my mpeg's burned onto a disc, however, not all of them work the same on the DVD player. some of them fill the whole screen, so its like watching the actual video. however, other video's only appear in a small box in the upper right corner of the screen. so i was wondering if anyone knows how to make all the mpegs play the same way, and fill the whole screen? anyhelp on this would be greatly appreciated.

-- Jason (jhillman17@aol.com), December 28, 2000


I don't know what exactly you did burning your mpeg files to make VCD. However, from what you're describing it sounds like you are using the wrong frame size on some of these clips. VCD's allowable frame sizes are either 352x240 or 704x480 or 720x480. Load the mpeg file into Window Media Player and choose FILE-PROPERTIES-DETAILS: It will tell you what type of file it is and what video frame size it has. If the clip has other frame size besides those listed above, then you will have the problem you're describing.

-- lnguyen (wingstarzz@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000.

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