The Last Word : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Do you always have to have the last word? Why?

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2000


When I was a kid, I did, and I didn't even realise it. Then I matured, and realised how stupid that is. Now I can just ignore people and let them think they have "won" or whatever it is people like that think.

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2000

I think its funny how some people refuse to let go until they "win". I usually keep the conversation going because sooner or later the other person ends up making a total ass of themselves. I'm guessing this post is in reference to the "psycology" post which gave me a good laugh... :)

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2000

i'm with jon... i love watching people make asses of themselves when they argue... they jst get so wound up trying to prove theyre right that they end up contredicting themselves... and as long as they're out there theres going to be smartasses like me around to piss them off...its just too much fun!

-- Anonymous, December 28, 2000

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