Oriental Seagul VC FB with Saunders LPL 4550 VCCE enlargergreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
The Saunders LPL 4550 VCCE enlarger has two scales to choose from when using variable contrast papers. Does anyone know which is more appropriate for Oriental Seagul VC FB?
-- J.L. Kennedy (bwphtogr4@yahoo.com), December 26, 2000
I have been using scale number 2 since, as far as I understand, the first one is for Kodak papers and the second one for Ilford and non- Kodak papers. However, your question, makes me think of a problem that I had with Oriental Seagul VC FB on that Saunders. When testing the contrast range, I had to set the enlarger to the grade 4-5 setting (the maximum is 5.5) to get the equivalent of a paper grade 2. See my earlier question about this problem in the threads of this forum. Let us know what you find about the compatibility of the Saudners VCCE head and Oriental VC FB.
-- Raja A. Adal (d60w0635@ip.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp), December 27, 2000.
I've come across the Oriental VC fact sheet, which says that using the Ilford Multigrade Filters gives the same speed as Oriental Filters. Since Channel 2 of the Saunders is calibrated to the Ilford Multigrade filter system, this confirms that we should use channel 2. Good luck.
-- Raja A. Adal (d60w0635@ip.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp), January 02, 2001.
I have the same 'problem' with Oriental Seagull that Raja has. You need to go as high as a 4 on the Ilford scale with OS to get a Grade 2. Not really so much of a problem if you know this going in and adjust accordingly.
-- David Parmet (david@parmet.net), January 23, 2001.