Vob to mpeg

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Is their faster program than flaskmpeg for converting vob to mpeg?

-- Graham (Zed2k@juno.com), December 23, 2000


Hey.. have you recieve a answer about a faster program vob 2 mpeg?

if you got it please tell me which one is it.

-- Azunguy (Azunguy@hotmail.com), January 13, 2002.

Go dvd.box.sk there are heaps of programs there for you to try!!

-- Dvd_Ripper! (aj_2080@yahoo.com), February 05, 2002.

If someone have a program to convert VOB to MPEG files, please let me know- thx

-- Thomas Hein (6x111609@tiscali.dk), February 15, 2004.

hey - can you help me out though - i'm using flaskmpeg - but the audio output is bad /low barely hear anything - any suggestion would be very appreciated

-- cc (lil_bvabie_z@hotmail.com), April 01, 2004.

Actually, use DVDx 2.2.......its good. Also, go to Doom9.net

-- JC (XXX@XX.com), May 23, 2004.

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