What will Laura Bush do?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

What will Laura Bush do?

Lets see…

1. Rescue healthcare.

2. Fire all of the staff at the White House travel office, indict them on trumped-up charges, and place their good-ol’ boys from Texas.

3. Gather 900 or so FBI files to keep the opposition of Dubya at bay for at least 4 years.

4. Hire her old college drop-out buddies to run White House security.

Anything I miss here?

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2000


5. Devise a clever system that insures that the ‘girls’ that she brings in the back door of the White House don’t get mixed-up with her husband’s.

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2000

Considering the pictures already popping up on the web, a much better question would be how GW plans to squelch his daughters.

-- Anonymous, December 24, 2000

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