Queer As Folk

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Has anybody seen the new Showtime gay series called Queer As Folk? It's actually kind of good. There is too much cock-sucking and ass-fucking, I think - but the characters are brilliantly written, the actors got them skills and they are VERY brave. If you want to see it, they are showing all 4 episodes (gotta see the 1st one, man) on New Year's Eve (my b-day, I'll be 19). Check it out if you're not too closed-minded, drunk, or homophobic. I'm out.

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2000


I saw it (the original UK version) last year??? Some time... It was very good. But I was ostracized for saying that. Boohoo. Anyway, blah blah blah, I hope the US? Canadian? (Sorry!!!) version is as marvellous. I am going to shut up and go away now.

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2000

Yeah, I watched the origional version from Britian a few years ago and loved it. The new Canadian version is much better because it's very blunt and real and americanized. I'm proud to be Canadian.

-- Anonymous, December 24, 2000

I normally don't nitpick on other people's posts or anything, but I thought it was kind of funny that you said it's from Canada, has been Americanized, and so you're proud to be Canadian. :)

-- Anonymous, December 24, 2000

Yeah, that was funny. But I got was she was saying.

-- Anonymous, December 25, 2000

umm. not to nitpick a nitpicker.. but Canada is America. As in North America. America doesn't just consist of the US you know. People do live above you.

I don't mean to burst your big United Statesian Head.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2000

Wow, that was harsh. I think I know that Canada is America too, but the majority of people in this world think of the United States when people say "America". What is it with people on this board being bitchy suddenly? There's more than one way to get your point across without being an asshole and insulting people. Grow up.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2000

Um, no. Canada is not America. I am Canadian, I am North American, but I am not American.

You are American, you are North American. You are not Canadian.

I hate to point this out, but just because they are on the same Continent doesn't make them the same Country

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2000

Why don't we all agree to just stop this stupid argument before it gets out of hand like every other thread seems to be doing?

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2000

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