Casey's short film? : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

Hoping someone can help me out with some information. A while back I heard that Casey co-wrote and directed a 13-segment short exclusively for Sundance, but I haven't been able to find out much else about it. I was hoping maybe Sundance was planning on showing it during their Short Film Festival, but I have no idea what the title is. The last one I heard was "The Untitled Jay Lacopo Project." Anyone know?

-- Kai Coates (, December 20, 2000


you suck..stupid ass.

-- ho ho ho (, December 20, 2000.

hey, the commercials, co-written by casey and jay lacopo, directed by casey are up at the sundance site. here's the address:

-- sonia (, December 20, 2000.

hey, the jay locopo thing is totally gone from sundance last I checked, but I saved it, so i can mail it to ya!

-- dramaqueenie (, January 04, 2001.


-- NICOLE (ELOPE2E@AOL.COM), January 15, 2001.

I have the tape and, yes, it's called "The Untitled Jay Lacopo Project". Last time I checked, the link ( was working. And if you want the dark, weird side of Jay Lacopo, check out "I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook and Now I have a Three Picture Deal with Disney" (Directed by Ben). You should be able to download it from Good luck.

-- Joe (, January 29, 2001.

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