Isn't that...? : LUSENET : I Wasn't Built to Get Up at this Time : One Thread |
Have you ever met anyone famous? Were they holding a copy of MAD magazine at the time?
-- Tim (, December 17, 2000
Yep! I met Miss America on an elevator. She was at the Miss Arkansas pageant, and was the guest speaker for that particular evening... and we just happened to be going down at the same time. It was actually very interesting... and she was totally down to earth.I also saw Alicia Silverstone in a Nike outlet on Hilton Head Island once, she had the whole hat/sunglasses thing going on, so I didn't approach her. I wish I would have.
-- dee (, December 17, 2000.
yep, I was walking through downtown Chicago a couple of years ago and almost literally ran into Danny Divito! He wears trenchcoats!! I love that man.
-- Liz (, December 18, 2000.
I met Jim Davidson, who used to be on the show Pacific Blue on USA. I also met the supermodel Coco Mitchell, who I had never heard of at the time, and a bunch of other lesser-known models, who I suppose were probably NOT that famous, so they probably don't count. And I saw Mini Me at the Mall of America! And two people that are on soap operas that I watch. But anyway.
-- Haley (, December 18, 2000.
Well let's see I have met the followingChris Evans The Krankies Su Pollard Steve Backley
I have seen the following
Goldie(maybe) Wrestling's Hulk Hogan Singing's Diana Ross Anne Robinson
Of all of them Anne Robinson was by far the best obviously!
-- Mr Rubery! (, December 20, 2000.
I forgot, I also met Al and Tipper Gore. Yeah. Go me.
-- Haley (, December 21, 2000.
No, I have never ever met anyone famous, but all of my friends and family have. Supposedly, George Clooney was on this cruise that i went on last week, but only a couple of people saw him. I guess he had to keep a low profile because I could just see him getting swamped in the buffet line, or something.My cousin met one of the guys from blink 182 last week while shopping in san diego. and that same cousin is going to her school dance next week witht he guy who plays one of the girl's boyfriends in Seventh Heaven. I think it's the middle sister. And one of my friends met one of the Real World cast members from a previous cast at a drug store.
But no, never me. I never meet the famous people. My life is boring.
-- Jessica (, December 26, 2000.