Herb Vinegars

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have a recipe for herb vinegar? I would like to make some up to put in gift baskets for Christmas and have lost my recipes.

Thanks, Karen

-- Karen (karenVF@aol.com), December 16, 2000


I have Herbal Vinegar by Maggie Oster, if you have something in mind, I'll see if it's in the book and post it.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.

I have some rosemary, thyme, and oregano still in the garden. I also have some homegrown garlic I could add.

-- karen (karenVF@aol.com), December 16, 2000.

There's no hard-and-fast rules. For these herb vinegars you basically add the herbs to the vinegar and let it sit until it tastes like you want it to at least a month. The right vinegar will make the difference.Use the best one you can afford and that you like without flavoring. Red wine vinegar is good for a combination of thyme, rosemary, oregano and basil. Use those herbs individually too. White wine vinegar is the most used, but you can use any. Experiment.Cleanliness is essential. Keep a notebook so when you hit on one you really like, you'll be able to repeat it. This one sounds good: mint, lemon balm, and lemon basil in white wine vinegar.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), December 17, 2000.

I make a lot of herb vinegars, some from recipes, some from my own ideas. Tarragon, garlic, basil, dill (my favorite), and a lot of others. What herbs do you have? Maybe I have a recipe that has worked for me if you'll tell me which herbs. GL!

-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), December 18, 2000.

I made several types of herb vinegars this year. I used pint size canning jars, white vinegar (very cheap in my area about $.89 a gallon on sale) Into each jar I added diffent herbs from my garden. One was garlic and chives, several cloves of garlic and about 5 long pieces of chives. One was Italian, (oregano, parsley, basil), another with French Tarragon, another with small red chile peppers. After I filled the jars with vinegar, I put on new seals and rings and boiled them in a hot water bath canner for about 10 minutes. They should seal. I realize this step isn't necessary but for all the more effort it takes, I feel it makes the product safer and releases the flavor of the herbs more. I don't think the quanity of the herbs is that important just use whatever you have on hand. Hope this helps.

-- Melissa (cmnorris@1st.net), December 23, 2000.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I made up a bunch of bottles using your ideas. They came out great !!!

-- Karen (KarenVF@aol.com), December 23, 2000.

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