housekeeping - getting beeswax out of oven? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

ok,, I did it again. I was melting beeswaz in the oven,,, ans some (alot) dripped,, now the bottom if pretty much covered in a thin layer of wax,, smokes like crazy when I use it. I scraped up as much as I could get,, but it still smokes,,, any ideas what to use,, remember,, I'm a male and single,, so keep it simple

-- Stan (, December 15, 2000


Response to housekeeping

Don't you hate that. Try covering the wax with newspaper, and ironing the whole mess,change paper when you need to. keep going until the paper absorbs all the wax. It makes the paper look greasy. Maybe after you get all you can get with tht method you could scrub the oven floor with some baking soda and a little water. What does everyone else think about it?

-- susan (, December 15, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

If Susan's idea doesn't work, you might try salt. My husband didn't think it would work and I was skeptical, but it works quite well. Put a little water in the bottom of the oven, pour on some salt, and let it sit all night, wipe out in the morning.

-- Cindy (, December 15, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Stan i dont have a ans. but frome one single guy to another what in the cornbread he** were you doing? maybe a new dish lol. Bob in s.e.ks.

-- Bobco (, December 15, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

do we really want to know??

-- Stan (, December 15, 2000.

Response to housekeeping


Some housecleaning tips from one bachelor to another:

You get a call from out-of-own relatives or friends they are just down the road and want to stop by, or they show up in the yard. Immediately sprinkle some Pinesol on the carpets. It will smell like you have been cleaning all day. You might be amazed on how many dirty pots, pans and dishes will fit in the oven. If anyone turns up an eyebrow at an unmade bed, just say you had just gotten up from a nap.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, December 16, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Stan, warm the oven up to melt the wax and wipe up with an old T- shirt. Cut the T-shirt in strips to make a really good fire starter. Turn off the smoke alarm until the wax is roasted away.

If you want someone else to clean it invite a lady friend over and just before you expect her turn the oven on full blast. Look confused. :>)

-- JLS in NW AZ (, December 16, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Ken-I'm not a batchelor,but those tips sounded pretty applicable to me!I will have to substitute lemon Mr. clean,but the rest sounds do- able.

Now,how do I get the dogs to not knock down and slobber all over the guests? As it stands now, I only invite "dog" people.

And what if it's oh,say... 5PM and one is still in one's jammies when unexpected guests arrive? What is the proper protocol? Thanks for your help.

-- sharon wt (, December 16, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

In your jammies at 5pm? I would suggest that you mention you're telecommuting and have been in a top level, high-pressure, do-or-die meeting since early (stress "early" if they are your in-laws) this morning and just now realized what time it was. Thank goodness that the Japanese investor finally caved or you'd still be there!

-- Soni (, December 16, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

I know it's not environmentally friendly or anything like that, but what about some old fashioned oven cleaner and elbow grease? that's what Grandma Elsie would prescribe!

-- Rose Marie Wild (, December 16, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Stan according to Martha Stewart you can freeze wax to get it out of your votive cups. So after you have burned it, wiped it and salted it, you may also want to try freezing it, so how about ice? Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, December 16, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Warm your oven for a few minutes and then use a spatula to scrape up the wax. You could use a hair blowdryer, but bieng a bachelor, probably don't own one. Whats left should come up with a little hot water and scrubbing.

-- kate henderson (, December 17, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

You could just turn the oven on for a few hours and let it burn away "naturally".... just open all the windows. You probably don't have a smoke dectector or if you do the batteries are dead so that won't be a problem!! (sorry, I am just having fun!!!)

-- kelly (, December 18, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

If it is 5 pm and you are in your jammies and people come, quick pull on your big coveralls and moon boots and say you were getting ready to go outside again and chop wood or feed or build a shed from scratch!

-- Cindy in Ky (, December 18, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Soni & Cindy in Ky. Sounds like you've had some good personal experience with the jammies concern.Appreciate the help.

But,anyone that knows me the least bit will know the telecommunication excuse is me blowing smoke up their butt.They'll know I was just surfing the web and got lost in there.So that won't work too good.

But that coveralls and chores coverup. Now that's a keeper. Esp. the slapping up a shed portion.they'll believe that,especially with all my half finished carpentry projects laying about as evidence.

My usual approach was to run to the bedroom,whip off the jammies, throw on appropriate evening attire while combing hair,putting on deodorant and brushing teeth all at once.I let my guests wait a brief moment at the door, rain or shine, to be entertained by the knock down, slobbery dogs, while they wait. I think the suggestions offered will be a better solution.

-- sharon wt (, December 18, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Be careful putting the dirty dishes in the oven. I had a friend who was cramming for finals and actually did that once. Her friends had brought a frozen pizza with them for dinner because they didn't want to inconvenience her! We still laugh about it until this day.

-- Laura (, December 19, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Worse yet, if you forget the oven is full, and turn it on to "preheat"! EEK!!!

-- Joy Froelich (, December 19, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

I've lost many-a plastic bowls and tupperware by cramming the oven full,then preheating. The prettiest was my huge yellow EXPENSIVE tupperware bowl I would rise bread in. It oozed through the wire shelves in stalagtite formations and then spread across the bottom of the oven like lava. You think wax stinks! My husband blames it on the blonde gene. Are you blonde too?

-- Queen (, December 20, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

Just a suggestion for future reference -- since wax is flammable, you might want to consider heating it outdoors next time! My husband won't even let me melt wax on top of the stove in a double boiler. He does use the garage when he's making candles in bad weather, as it is far enough away from the house that if it caught fire, we could probably save the house. I don't have any suggestions for getting the wax up, other than to burn it off (nasty smoke in the house, though). Hubby has ruined lots of clothes with wax splashes, and one day splattered wax over a whole table of goods at a show (he dips candles at the show, as they sell better that way) and some of the pottery still has wax residue on it. The only thing I've been able to do to partially salvage some of my stainless steel bowls and spoons (he 'borrows' them) is pour (lots) of boiling water over them, and scrape a lot. Good luck, and let us know what works!

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, December 20, 2000.

Response to housekeeping

You think wax and plastic smells when heated to the smoking point? Our boys droped broken crayons down the heater grates in the pantry when we were in the middle of a baby shower for their youngest brother!! Took me an hour to figure out a way to get them off!!!

-- michelle (, December 20, 2000.

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