Where are you revisited?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

When I first started coming to the forum there was a post something like, "Where are you?". I tried to look it up in the archives and it's not there. I can remember some of them like: Joel-Virginia, Sheepish-Washington, Hoot-Illinois, Brad and Maggie-Maine, etc. I remember others too, but obviously not all of them. It might be interesting for the new people to see it. It was for me when I was new! Can we do it again? Where are you?

-- Denise (jphammock@msn.com), December 15, 2000


I'll go first! I'm in southern Ohio about an hour from Cinti.

-- Denise (jphammock@msn.com), December 15, 2000.

The panhandle of Idaho.

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), December 15, 2000.

Notforprint logs in from South Central Kansas, formerly known as greenbeanman.

-- Notforprint (Not@thekeyboard.com), December 15, 2000.


-- JLS in NW AZ (stalkingbull007@AOL.com), December 15, 2000.

Northern Baltimore county Maryland,a stone throw from P.A.

-- renee oneill{md.} (oneillsr@home.com), December 15, 2000.

I'm in Northern CA, near Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta. Volcano country!

-- Nancy in CA (sonflower35@icqmail.com), December 15, 2000.

Clifton ill, Missouri...120 mi. east of KC.

-- David A Jones (jonesey65244@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Northwestern Connecticut - up in what passes as the boonies here in CT! :-)

-- Judi (ddecaro@snet.net), December 15, 2000.

Southeastern Indiana

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Another planet,probably Mars..... which can be found just east of the rolling bluegrass and horse farms, in the Hills and Hollers of my Old Kentucky Home.

-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), December 15, 2000.

Central Maryland, about 40 miles NW of Bal'more, Hon.

Hello over there, Rene!

-- Heather (heathergorden@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

south east kansas here about 60 miles west of joplin mo.

-- Bob Condry (bobco@hit.net), December 15, 2000.

Swamps of Northeastern NC. About 30 miles due west of the Outer Banks.

-- Debbie M in ne NC (demeads@inteliport.com), December 15, 2000.

Far south central Missouri....West Plains area....5 miles off the nearest pavement up on a ridge :o).

-- Amanda in Mo (aseley@townsqr.com), December 15, 2000.

Florida panhandle

-- Dan G. (stagecoach@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

Northeastern Ohio - Mesopotamia - 4th largest Amish community in the U.S.

(:raig Miller

-- Craig Miller (CMiller@ssd.com), December 15, 2000.

sw Missouri

-- Sarah (heartsongacres@Juno.com), December 15, 2000.

Central Maine, here!

-- Epona (crystalepona2000@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

NW Washington

-- Amy Richards (tiggerwife@aol.com), December 15, 2000.

South-Central Connecticut

-- ChristinaW. (introibo2000@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Central Ohio

-- JimR (lodock@earthlink.com), December 15, 2000.

Indianapolis, Indiana

-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), December 15, 2000.

About an hour north of Ashville, NC.

-- Lena(NC) (breezex4@go.com), December 15, 2000.

Kansas,50 miles south of Wichita.

-- Barbara Ternes (lbfarm@hit.net), December 15, 2000.

Beautiful Central Oregon. (Can you tell I love it here?)

-- Lenette (kigervixen@webtv.net), December 15, 2000.

In central NH,Beautiful with6 inches of new snow

-- howard(nh) (hdwells@gis.net), December 15, 2000.

We are four hours west of Western Washington.

-- Laura (gsend@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

The Flint Hills of Kansas in the middle of cattle country in Kansas!!!! Sonda in Ks.

-- Sonda (sgbruce@birch.net), December 15, 2000.

I am in south western Montana.....Dillon area


-- suzanne wilson (mtsuz@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

Extreme NW corner of Ohio. We live a couple of miles south of Michigan and a few miles east of Indiana and (except for the wind) we love it here. We've only lived here a little over two years. I was born and raised in Oklahoma as were our three sons and my husband is from Western Pennsylvania. We had just spent the last eight years in Maryland before moving here.

-- Terry (aunt_tm@Hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

West central Wisconsin (Brrrr!)

-- Barb (WILDETMR@YAHOO.COM), December 15, 2000.

I know I'm not the only one in New Mexico! A transplanted Texican.. head north on I-40, hang a right at Albuquerque... hopefully to be on the Co/NM border at our new place, come spring. Howdy from the southwest, y'all! dh in nm

-- debra in nm (dhaden@nmtr.unm.edu), December 15, 2000.

Country Friend from Franklin county Indiana

-- Jack Bunyard (bunyard@cnz.com), December 15, 2000.

Born and raised in North Central Wisconsin, but residing in South Central Wisconsin for 20+ years.

-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), December 15, 2000.

Vinton county, Ohio. 75 miles Southeast of Columbus.

-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Hancock County, in NW Ohio-lots of OH people on here, ain't there!

-- Joe (Threearrs@AOL.com), December 15, 2000.

The Heart of Dixie, North Alabama area known as the Tennessee Valley.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Southern CA, about 1 1/2 hours from either San Diego or Los Angeles.

-- Leslie A. (lesliea@home.com), December 15, 2000.

Just off I-77 & Hwy 21 in Harmony, N.C.

-- Don (dessertmaker2000@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

Anderson county, East Tennesse

-- susan (animalcrackers55@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

God's country...Middle Tennessee. He must of been smilin when he made this place. Peggy

-- Peggy Carr (wclpc@cookeville.com), December 15, 2000.

Northeast Ohio - a little town called Hiram.

-- Dianne (willow@config.com), December 15, 2000.

Upstate New York - near the foothills of the Adirondack mountains!

-- bluetick (coonhound@mindspring.com), December 15, 2000.

Transplanted from Pennsylvania Dutch Country (Strasburg,PA) to beautiful, SNOW-FREE SO FAR Jacksonville, Alabama..50 degrees here today with sunny skies, and the snakes are sleeping. God bless.

-- Lesley (martchas@gateway.net), December 15, 2000.

Phoenix Az transplanted here from beautiful Lynchburg Virginia

-- Roxanne (hmstdlady@webtv.net), December 15, 2000.

Smack-dab in the middle of the Smoky Mountains, in eastern Tennessee.

-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), December 15, 2000.

N.E. New York in the Adirondack Park. A little town named Wevertown.

-- Arnold (ajkc2fli@localnet.com), December 15, 2000.

Binghamton, NY-but recently bought my dream property in Hartville, MO.

-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Florida panhandle.Hello there Dan G.

-- JT Sessions (gone2seed@hotmail.com), December 15, 2000.

Hi folks from western NY. Small town outside of Buffalo. Been around and still call this place home. Our country place is in the southern tier of NY near the PA line. Great forum. Jerry and Sylvia.

-- Gerald S. Rozanski (Grozanski56@cs.com), December 15, 2000.

Haven't been on for a few weeks - yeah, it's great to be back - I'm from Tallahassee (after the last month I guess I no longer have to tell people that is in Florida) - Julia

-- Julia in Tally (tofubiscuit@excite.com), December 15, 2000.

Northern California. Please send electricity!!.....Kirk

-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000.

Another Central Oregon resident (Hi Lenette!) But I don't like it here :-(

-- Julie (Julieamc@excite.com), December 15, 2000.

Well! Everybody knows where I'm at but just thought I'd tell ya again. Richland County Illinois-down a dead end road on our own "borrowed" 24 acres. We're the caretakers for Him until he wants it back. 100 miles straight east of st. louis, mo on us 50. Florida is lookin better each day now. Maybe a couple weeks after the first of the new year---that is if y2k doesn't hit and strand us!!!!!! old hoot gibson. Luke 6:31

-- hillbilly hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), December 15, 2000.

New Jersey, the farm state (that doesn't have too many farms left)

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), December 15, 2000.

One more for OH-SE OHIO,that is.

-- Tracy Jo Neff (tntneff@ifriendly.com), December 15, 2000.

In the Cookson Hills of northeastern Oklahoma!

-- Mona in OK (jascamp@ipa.net), December 15, 2000.

Southeast Illinois, pretty near Bro. Hoot, live within 10 miles of where I was born and grew up. Cold, snowy, icy here now. Christmas night heading for New Orleans to visit daughter--no snow there!

-- ruth in s.e.Illinois (bobtravous@email.com), December 15, 2000.

We live in the Sandhills of NC.

-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), December 15, 2000.

I'm in California's central coast. Live in a little town in a river valley just about 10 miles inland from the Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Hopefully by this time next year looking at property in California's northern coast area. I'm looking for my dream now! betty

-- betty modin (betty_m9@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.

NE Ohio - in the snowbelt!!

-- Kathy (jubilant@ncweb.com), December 16, 2000.

John D checkin'in from Northwestern Pa. 2 hours S/E of Erie and 2 hours N/E of Pittsburgh and 2 hours almost due south of Buffalo.

-- John D in Pa (mrmopar@penn.com), December 16, 2000.

Joel n Becky Rosen and we live in the mountains of western Virginia 35 miles north of Roanoke, Virginia. We fel real special that you remembered us ! Thanks !

-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), December 16, 2000.

1 hour south of Louisville, KY in Rineyville

-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), December 16, 2000.

Another transplanted Texican here in Southeastern NM about 180 miles southeast of Albuquerque.

-- Gina NM (inhock@pvtnetworks.net), December 16, 2000.

Central Italy - the region Marches

-- kelly (kellytree@hotmail.com), December 16, 2000.

Somewhere near the middle of Texas.

-- Jerry in Texas (neljer@txcyber.com), December 16, 2000.

We live in a little town of 138 people in SW Missouri. Near where George Washington Carver lived (for you Ag. history buffs). He invented peanut butter along with a lot of other farm machinery.

It's not where you're going it's where you're "coming from".

-- StoryBook Farm (mumaw@socket.com), December 16, 2000.

In Killeen Texas, But only for 30 more days :-)

-- Anthony J. DiDonato (didonato@vvm.comaj), December 16, 2000.

30 minutes south of Louisville.

-- glynnis in KY (gabbycab@msn.com), December 16, 2000.

Winterset, Iowa. Location of the Bridges of Madison County. Beautiful here. Four seasons too. The sun is shining today but no travel in the state of Iowa. Blizzard conditions. Wind chills in the minus 50 degrees tonight. Bloom where you are planted. Anyone else close to here?

-- Jean (kjean@i-rule.net), December 16, 2000.

Dead squat center of NC, just south of Raleigh, by about 45 min.

-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), December 16, 2000.

S.E.Mo..Fairdealing..only it ain't. Between Doniphan and Poplar Bluff.

-- Lynn (mscratch1@semo.net), December 16, 2000.

We're in rural Illinois also called Forgotonia.

-- Lenore (archambo@winco.net), December 16, 2000.

The driest, windiest and sometimes coldest place God made on this earth, but we like it here! Eastern Plains of Colorado, about 30 miles east of Colorado Springs, and 80 miles south of Denver. Jan

-- Jan in Colorado (Janice12@aol.com), December 16, 2000.

50 miles east of Louisville, ky in beautiful bluegrass country!

-- bwilliams (bjconthefarm@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.

In the city of Evansville, In., two days a week and near the community of Kirkmansville in KY. 5 days aweek on 90 acres more or less.

-- Wayne & Lyn Roach (R-WAY@msn.com), December 16, 2000.


-- TAMMY (TLHARRISWV@CS.COM), December 16, 2000.

Central Texas....the side of I 35 that has real trees.

-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), December 16, 2000.

3rd Rock from the Sun, oh I mean Central Wisconsin - physically - emotionally - Upper Michigan! truely God's Country! looking to return

-- Rose Marie Wild (wintersongfarm@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.

Southern Utah - or is this Heaven? Can't be much difference.

-- Jorja Hernandez (jorja@color-country.net), December 16, 2000.

Here in the great state of Tennessee, that is the western past 8 miles to MS state line.

-- tracy emily in TN (emilyfarms@tsixroads.com), December 17, 2000.

30Minutes from Beautiful downtown Kansas City. Butless then 5 Minutes to tillable land. Every other weekend I go to see my folks on there "modern homestead". Fresh garden veggies, eggs (real orange yolkers)...Cindy

-- cindy (redhen@fiberia.com), December 17, 2000.

Hi,to all of y'all in NC.I'm originally from Wilmington!I'm about 30 miles south of Lexington in the beautiful state of Kentucky!

-- nobrabbit (conlane@prodigy.net), December 17, 2000.

Ugly Duckling Acres near Omaha, NE but I'm looking for the middle of nowhere!

-- Diane (soccerdude@earthlink.com), December 18, 2000.

I am from cold and snowy Northern Ontario Canada. Are there any other Canadians--eh???

-- Faith (foureverfaith@hotmail.com), December 18, 2000.

2 acres near Houston Tx winter and 120 acres Stilwell oklahoma (Arkansas border) April tell Oct. Am new to the thread but plan to be a reg. God bless and keep up His work.

-- Charles Steen (xbeeman412@aol.com), December 18, 2000.

On 113 snowy acres in Windsor, NY. It's a tiny village 20 minutes from Binghamton, NY.

-- Stacy Rohan (KincoraFarm@AOL.com), December 19, 2000.

Flagstaff, Arizona. Blessings, Sissy

-- sissy sylvester-barth (jerreleene@hotmail.com), December 19, 2000.

Another N Alabama checking in -

We're in Owens Cross Roads, just over the hill from Huntsville.


-- j (jw_hsv@yahoo.com), December 20, 2000.

west-central Wisconsin, where the woodticks and mosquitoes are finally slowing down due to the cold


-- Jim (jiminwis@yahoo.com), December 20, 2000.

Checking in from (Buxton) Maine. Brad & Maggie here. Apparently there are those of us (are you listening Joel?) who are a tad more controversial and hence rememberable than the more sane. Christina, where are you in central CT? I grew up in Southington, but had to leave when the neighbors moved within view. Hi Judi! And Lesley, we now have no snakes and the snow is sleeping! I'd much rather plow 2 feet of snow than 2 inches of snakes! GL to all!

-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), December 20, 2000.

**waving at Faith** Scrolling down, I was getting worried I may be the only Canadian! LOL! I'm in southeastern Ontario, east end of Lake Ontario.


-- Chelsea (rmbehr@istar.ca), December 20, 2000.

The Panhandle of Texas, not the end of the earth, but you can see it from here. Would't live anywhere else.

-- Bob Maples (rmaples@pan-tex.net), December 20, 2000.

Merry Christmas to you all from north central IL!

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), December 21, 2000.

Here in snow country--western Michigan--where we've already broken the 30 year old record for December snowfall and it's only the first official day of winter. Bah humbug. Where's El Nino?

-- Sandy Davis (smd2@netzero.net), December 21, 2000.

Southwestern Michigan here, actually I guess you could call it south central but I grew up in Kalamazoo and still think of myself as a southwesterner. About 20 miles from where the Michigan, Indiana and Ohio borders meet. Feels like what I always imagined Alaska would be like this year. Anyone from Alaska- need snow???? diane

-- Diane Green (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), December 21, 2000.

I'm in the Catskill Mountains of New York State.

-- Amy (acook@in4web.com), December 21, 2000.

Hi, Jean in Winterset Ia, I'm here in e.c. Ia, little village called Hale, kind of in the triangle of the small towns, Olin, Wyoming and Oxford Junction. Are you as cold as I am? You're right about the state of Ia being closed down due to weather. Merry Christmas to everyone out there. Sure nice to have such a large family.

-- Clare Baldwin (clare_baldwin@hotmail.com), December 22, 2000.

We are in Jacksonville, Florida where it's in the low 40's and expected to stay that all day!!! So much for warm Florida!!

-- Sandy(FL.) (MANDARINHILLBILLYS@prodigy.net), December 22, 2000.

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