Omega B600 questions : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I've been using my old B600 for 35mm B&W for years. I'd like to move up to 6X6 but I don't know if the old B600 can handle that size. Anybody know what maximum size is for this old enlarger ? Where can I get a lensboard for the machine ?

-- Shut Erbug (, December 14, 2000


I've got an old B600 packed up in my basement. Mine, which was produced in the late 70's, had a fixed lensboard that's integrated into the focusing bellows and isn't replaceable. I recall from the instructions that its capable of 6x6, but don't know you may have to add or change condensors to fully cover the larger neg. I'd corresponded with Omega a number of months ago, and seem to recall that the neg holders for the current C700 will also work with the B600. Omega still carries parts for B600's - they can be reached through their web-site at

FYI - I recently replaced my B600 with a used Omega C670 dichroic ($250 CDN - $175 US in mint condition - what a deal!) that's done wonders for me - I can now print up to 16x20, crop on 11x14, have no more neg popping, no more highlight contrast problems, no more neg scratches showing up on my prints, and a real reduction in the amount of spotting. Only wish I'd made the change to a diffusion enlarger earlier!

-- Dave Williams (, December 14, 2000.

Try Older Omega Enlargers are a speciality. I was able to get condensers and a lens board for my Omega B8XL which is 10 years older than the B600. Classic Enlargers is run by Harry Taylor who is a retired Omega employee, very knowledgeable and helpful. I was referred to this site by a tech rep at Satter.

-- Robert Orofino (, December 15, 2000.

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