Revisiting a Past Question : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

No so long ago a contributer to this board asked the following question and recieved no response. I thought we might give it another try.

Does the AME Church have a system for attracting and reciving new clergy? Many denominations do recruitment at Colleges, Universities and Seminaries seeking out the best and the brightest. How do we attract our clergy? Do we rely on word of mouth or is there a systemaic way that conferences, districts or even Bishops attract people to the denomination or track those who are members of the denomination as they progress through their studies. The Bible says study to show thy self approved." Are we making sure that we are securing the services of those who are the best and the brightest?

I have often wondered the same thing to myself. Without doing outreach we risk not only not attracting the best and the brightest but alos loosing some of our young lions to denominations that do do outreach.

Any Thoughts????

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000


Gerald I cannot speak for the denomination but I can tell you my personal experience. Pastor DeFoe of Wayman Chapel in Billings Montana, suggested I start a church in Bozeman and that I transfer my credentials to the AME, I am in the process now. My pastor contacted the Presiding Elder on my behalf. I have pastored churches in the past and have my M.Div from Princeton Seminary. My Bishop John Bryant, Presiding Elder Casson, Rev. James Clark and this AME Today family have encouraged me through this process, and have not left my side!! My Presiding Elder stays in touch with me as does my Bishop. I have NEVER felt so welcomed as I do in this denomination. I am grateful to Wayman Chapel and my pastor. I do not know if this answers your question.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

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