6X12 roll film on Toyo AII or Horseman FA/fHDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
First Thankyou all for your helpful suggestions and experiences. I am getting ready to purchase a 4x5 either the Horseman or Toyo AiiI am really interested in the 6 X 12 roll film to shoot panoramic.
I have a friend who had a wisner and fitted it with a Calumet 6X12 and had significant light leaks. They sent a new one but same problem Any suggestions should I stick with getting a Horseman camera and matching it with a 6 X 12 What do you suggest?
-- Larry Gaskill (covenant@essex1.com), December 06, 2000
Larry: forget about the Calumet 6x12 back. Your first exposure is always wasted. The Horseman 6x12 back is a much better product. You can pick one up at KEH for hundred$$$$ less (assuming you have an international back).
-- Geoffrey Chen (db45tek@aol.com), December 06, 2000.
I second the Horseman !!!! Paul
-- paul owen (paulowen_2000@yahoo.com), December 06, 2000.
I would go with the Horseman. I know a few people that use the Horseman 6x12 regularly. It is rugged, with excellent flatness, and does not weigh a lot.Steve
-- Steve Nieslony (sejn@pacbell.net), December 06, 2000.
Larry has others have said go with the Horseman. I use their 6x12 and 6x9 backs they are first class. Very reliable. Regards,
-- Trevor Crone (tcrone@gm.dreamcast.com), December 06, 2000.
Larry, you may want to consider just buying half a darkslide. it's less to carry and you don't need to carry two different types of film...this assume you will be shooting 4x5 sheet film...
-- Bill Glickman (bglick@pclv.com), December 07, 2000.
I have been using an Horseman 6x12 back with my Toyo AII for almost two years: not a single problem!
-- Jean-Marie Solichon (jardin-exotique@monte-carlo.mc), December 07, 2000.
The Calumet C12 is not flat with 120 but alright with 220. It has some mechanical flaws too (bad axies, breakable pinions) and the slider is as fragile as a piece of glas. Sad, because the thin insert design and reasonable price tag would have made it a great tool.
-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@smile.ch), December 07, 2000.