Tiger scheduled for open heart surgery in Houston

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

NOT THAT TIGER..............

Tiger scheduled for open heart surgery in Houston TYLER, DEC. 4 - A Tyler tiger cub is preparing for open-heart surgery in Houston this weekend that is hoped will save his life. Five-month-old Karma is thought to be the first of his species to have surgery that corrects a congenital heart defect. And the groundbreaking procedure will be done in a hospital for human children – the Texas Children’s Hospital. Doctor Charles Fraser is the chief of cardiac surgery at Texas Children’s. He says Karma has a big hole inside his heart and an obstruction


-- Anonymous, December 05, 2000


That is an odd one.

Is the defect just bad luck, or it is the inbreeding from several generations of zoo animals?

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2000

I always wondered if "inbreeding" would eventually have an effect on the animal population we were trying to "save".

Hope the little guy's going to be OK.

-- Anonymous, December 05, 2000

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