VCD won't play in DVD players : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

My home burned VCDs won't play in several different brand DVDs. I captured MPEG1 with WinVCR 2.0, format NTSC-M, burned to Sony 650MB CD-R with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 3.01d, no problems there, but the CD won't play. Some DVDs see the disc, some don't, but none play it. Can anyone help? Cheers and thanks.

-- Bill Frink (, December 04, 2000


I am having the same problem with my VCDs done with NERO burning tool. I burned my VCDs for a PIONEER DVD device in my disco which plays the VCDs perfectly. When I tried the VCDs in other friends DVDs devices (one was a PIONEEr diferent model) , they weren´t able to play them at all. Even they could detect the CD inside. I read somewhere here that a CD I option should be checked for a right recording of the DVD compatible VCD. Check it out and tell me what you get. cheers Federico

-- Federico Monsberger (, December 07, 2000.

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