Why Can I not combine PAL and NTSC Mpegs on the same VCD?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have both PAL Mpeg and NTSC Mpeg files ready to making VCD but The Sony CD Extreme will not let me import PAL Mpegs file. It complaints that the file is not NTSC. Is there another software that will let me combine the two. Your help is really appreciated. Thanks.Peter
-- PETER (PCHAN13379@YAHOO.COM), December 04, 2000
As you know certain CDR Recording proggy accept mixed format. You can try with NTI 2000 CDMaker but not Easy Cd Creator.. Good luck
-- Senifoto (jang@mailhost.unimas.my), December 04, 2000.
Nero VCD maker will accept mixture of PAL and NTSC Mpeg1 files and burn onto one blank CD disc.
-- tom (tomong@onenet.com.au), December 04, 2000.
Thanks so much. I 'll try that and will update the results.
-- Peter (PCHAN13379@YAHOO.COM), December 04, 2000.