lensboard for Beseler enlargers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Can anyone tell me how to change the lensboard for a Beseler 23C Series II enlarger (the old blue one)? I moved up from 35mm film and a 50mm rodenstock lens to 645 film and a 75mm lens and cannot figure out how to switch the lensboard. I have taken out several screws on the underside of the lens board and two thin pieces of metal but it still does not come off. Help! Thanks, Rhonda

-- Rhonda Buchmann (photogal@email.msn.com), November 28, 2000


I use a different version of the 23C than you have but you may want to try pushing the lens board towards the back of the enlarger and pulling down a little. My lens board is spring loaded on the back which pushes it into a slot cut into the front of the enlarger. Good luck.


-- Robert W Boyer (rboyer@mindspring.com), November 28, 2000.

Beseler 23C II works the same way as described above.

-- Paul Oosthoek (pauloosthoek@hotmail.com), November 29, 2000.

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