Segment play only VCD -- legal?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I made a VCD using VP4 with menus and only segment play objects. The objects are high res stills with accompanying mp2 audio. What I want to know is why are the resulting objects so large? Typically 10 times the high res still + mp2 audio combined. The other thing is, Xing player 3.3 won't play it back, some stand alone VCD will and some will not although they are all version 2 compatible.

-- Sine Ng (, November 28, 2000


It sounds like you have done something wrong. For VideoPack 4 to work correctly you have to install it in your Winoncd directory. If you are only able to make an image file with Videopack 4 this is for sure your troulbe. Videopack tends to make 2 image files and not one. Thus the larger file size. And if you burn the image file with Winoncd it burns the image starting at the wrong sector on the cdr and this is why you can't play it on your computer. Reinstall Videopack in your WinOnCD dir and try again. You should be able to burn from Videopack now and this will solve the problem.

-- Billy boy boy boy (, November 29, 2000.

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