New Orleans? : LUSENET : Camp Lutherhaven : One Thread

I was wondering if anyone is going to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer. I am really excited about it and was wondering if I might run into some people I know from camp there because that would be really cool.

-- Christa Gaffer (, November 26, 2000


If you know a super neat-o counselor named Ryan Peterson, you're in luck--he'll be there. :) look for him behind the scenes...he'll most likely be running around the stage yelling "It's ALL good!"

-- Kristin 0:) (, December 08, 2000.

Hey--I'm going to New Orleans:) I am so excited, and just thought I'd say hey to ya. I know u dont know me, but just look for anyone named Kati..hehe, cya there;)

-- Kati (, July 17, 2001.

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