My experience with gandolfi 5x7 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Ok, everyone knows how this goes. You finally give in to the urge to do LF, and then the search is on. I wanted to do contact prints and it seemed 4x5 were small so then thought of 8x10, well I'm not large or the strongest woman I know, and there isn't much chance of that changing, so I hit on the idea of 5x7. I searched ebay and lost a # of bids, searched all over the internet for used b&j and korona,listened to what everyone had to say about potential camera stores, even considered buying tachihara new, but called badgergraphic last week and they had a used older gandolfi 5x7. Wow!!! Was I excited. It arrived a few days later and right off the whole thing just felt right. The movements are easy and work beautifully and feels like it belongs in my hands. Just wanted to share. Thanks

-- Julie Hancock (, November 24, 2000


Response to experience with gandolfi 5x7

hello julie

I totally agree with you. I also have a gandolfi camera (half plate) and it is a really nice one. really light and beutiful made.


-- christian nze (, November 24, 2000.

Response to experience with gandolfi 5x7

Yeah. I have a 4x5 Varient and really like it. A little heavey but that helps in a wind so what the hey. Happy shooting. James

-- lumberjack (, November 24, 2000.

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