praxis cd availability : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread

I live in Australia and am having trouble finding Sacrifist and metatron, i read that the label they were on went bust and was wondering if they are still available? the record store i ordered them through tell me its on back order and its been 4 1/2 weeks since the order, im kind of impatient.

-- Jason Miller (, November 22, 2000


Dear Jason I also live in Australia and have similar trouble getting music. I think there is a lot of red tape involved in supplying music to us because lesser known and independent lables just dont have the money to get their products to us in any convienient way if at all. If you live in Syndey check out red eye second hand stores and utopia records you might get lucky. If you Dont and you want to be certain my best suggestion is to order from the internet.I think thats the best bet to get music that isnt made by 16 year old girls with breast implants. Good luck Stuart

-- Stuart Spaans (, December 25, 2000.

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