Canon xl1 or Sony vx2000 : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

We are a fledgling film co. with the green light to buy a prosumer DV camera, we have two shorts to produce and then we want to take on a feature our writer has. We have looked at both of the camera's mentioned above but have never used either. We have readabout the xl1, but have found very little on the vx2000. Can anyone make any recomendations before we spend the $$$$...



-- kjeld clark (, November 20, 2000



-- Al J. (, November 30, 2000.

In September I purchased an XL1 for various project I also have in development. Have been very pleased with it so far. Highly recommend it. Please contact me with your progress and whether you'd like to see the XL1 in action? Tate 1/6/01

-- Tate McGhee (, January 06, 2001.

VX 2000 !!!

This camera is awesome !! Ive had it for about 2 months and the picture is absolutely amazing for a mini DV camera. When I bought it I fully comapred it with the xl1 which was also at the shop where i purchased it and the picture quality on the vx2000 kicked the xl1 ass in all areas. The sound is another story but for my productions I dont use the in camera sound. In low light this is your cam. It can be practically dark ie match up to your face and there is minimal if no graining. Although the lens system on the xl1 is a damn cool feature it doesnt make much difference when your talking about video. Those lenses as well as costing about half as much as the camera are only realy needed when shooting film. If you light your scene well shoot with the vx 2000/pd150 you can get some absolutely amazing results !!! trust me go to a cannon and sony dealer and have the guy compare them youll see what i mean,

-- Clevo (, January 29, 2001.

It is so hard for people to choose for someone else. May I suggest that you visit and bring up or "search" camcorders and they do a comparison on the Sony VX 2000 and the Canon GL1 on the specific features of both and they score each camcorder. That way you can look at what features are important to you and see which camera suits your wants and needs. On some features the Canon is chosen but the "winner" in the long run was the VX2000. However, if the audio is important to you then you may want the Canon. You may also want to read the Sony site bulletin (regarding the sound issue on the VX2000). Just for your information I recently purchased the VX2000 based on the Zdnet review and what was important to me. I have not yet experienced this so called "sound issue" and I do not regret AT ALL choosing the VX2000. I hope this info has been helpful to you. Good Luck.

-- M King (, February 16, 2001.


-- kjeld (, February 24, 2001.

I have done some considerable research on the two cameras. I have also read many reviews and studied many other cameras in its' class. It is true that the VX2000 is a great camera, however, with a keen ear you will notice there is an audio problem. Upgrading to the Sony PD-150 will eliminate this problem and is still the same camera. It is their "professional" version of the VX2000 for about $100 to $200 more and is equipped with on-board audio equipment to which not only reduces the hum, but can be adjusted at your fingertips. The Canon XL1S, well, I am definately considering this camera. It has been used in numerous commercials and movies already. That tells me a lot of what I need to know. If professional directors have the confidence and faith to shoot in this camera, why shouldn't I? There is, however, a new JVC Streamliner out there. Brand new. This camera devlivers 750 lines of horizontal resolution. But I have to ask myself, what TV (other than HD) can reproduce that on screen? None. Most of the resolution is cropped before being broadcast anyway. I examined the Sony and the Canon's myself. The Canon has better color reproduction and is more accurate in this area. The Sony is able to focus in dark environments, but the Canon is not far behin. In dark situations, however, the Sony is grainy. This has always been the case with their cameras under low light conditions. Whether you get a Sony DSC-85 vs. a Canon G2 or the Sony VX2000 vs. the Ganon GL1, it is inherently tru that Sony has grain. For me, picture quality is more important since it is "video", but the audio quality in the Canon XL1S speaks for itself. Again, many pros have used it and have broadcast their projects on TV and have made "movies" with the XL1S. The last advantage, interchangeable lenses. Good Luck.

Ernie Washington State

-- Ernie (, May 13, 2002.

CANON XL1s rocks

-- ............... (, December 16, 2002.

VX2000 is the better camera!! I've used both but you have to spice the vx up a bit.

The camera you want is the VX2000 with an aftermarket Phantom XLR belt clip adaptor, mini Frezzi powered by a Frezzi belt clip and a 4X4 matte box from cavision, if you do this, you now have in your hands a very very nasty piece of equipment! and you can charge more for your freelance jobs.. The only advantage that the XL1 has over the VX is its "pro-image/popularity and size" if I'm holding a XL1 at your wedding, its size demands $1200 for the gig, were-as the VX is not as aggressive, but pound for price its the better camera. We use DVC-pro at the station and the vx2000 yeilds amazing results for the price, its not far off from a $11,000.00 camera!

Sean Brayboy WTTG-FOX 5 freelance editor

-- Sean Brayboy (, March 17, 2003.

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