Good Bunny Book (Rabbits) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just finished reading my new rabbit book, and thought I'd tell you all about it. I remember someone saying not long ago that they needed to buy a bunny book, and this might be the one... RAISING RABBITS by Ann Kanable. I got mine at Salvation Army for 50 cents, but Rodale still sells them for $14.95. I looked it up at Organic Gardeing's website and they have nice copies that the covers aren't all beat up. This book is very readable and informative and aimed at homesteader / backyard type rabbit raisers. The author used to be the rabbit editor for some mag called COUNTRYSIDE AND SMALL STOCK JOURNAL. Maybe that exlains the friendly style of writing. I really liked the section on using natural medicines. The only thing I did NOT care for was the page and a half on preparing pelts, which condensed to "send pelts to a professional". We all know that Countryside has had a couple of good aricles on tanning in the last year or so, so those articles can make up for what this book lacks. If I could only have one book on rabbits, this would be it. Any other recommendations out there?? Your Obedient Servant,

-- Matthew in Central Illinois (, November 17, 2000

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