Looking for WI pen pals

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi everyone. Just wondering if there were others out there from west central Wi or surrounding area that would like to correspond via the "pan pal" route? I'm a 41 year old female with a room mate who is not into the country as much as I am although she certainly enjoys the privacy and gardening. let me know, Thanks, Barb

-- Barb (WILDETMR@YAHOO.COM), November 13, 2000


Hi Barb, I to am from WI. I am 33 going on 50. My Grandma called me and old soul. I enjoy the country life and my animals. I garden, can, sew, bake, read, craft, write, and many more. I live very old fashioned. My truck is a 52 Chevy. I have a lot of interests and would enjoy, learning and sharing with others in WI or otherwise. I am a good shoulder to cry on and a great ear to listen, perhaps we can be friends. I am house bound for a bit so there is no time like the present. I look forward to hearing from you. Shau Marie

-- Shau Marie (shau@centurytel.net), January 13, 2001.

Barb... from near Stevens Point... and would be glad to be a pen pal... just a few years older than you...

-- Mary Ann (peanut@wi-net.com), January 14, 2001.

I live about 17 miles south of Waupaca and 40 miles west of Appleton. I am 58 and live on an old homestead. I love to garden, sew and can. By the way, is this email pen-paling cause I have become terrible at snail mail since going on-line. Hello Barb!!

-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), January 14, 2001.


I would love to be a penpal too. I'm from Cambridge, WI, which is southeast of Madison. I'm 58 years old and live in the country. I love to garden and I heat w/ wood. I'm a "wannabe" homesteader.

-- Carole (coverga@bminet.com), January 14, 2001.

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