Fasest AF body with 80-200f/2.8 D lens?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Which nikon body N80 or N90s will focus my 80-200 zoom the fastest?


-- Bart Aldrich (gba-opus@home.com), November 11, 2000


Try both at your local camera store. Without actual testing of either with this lens though, one could sumize that the N80 might focus faster since it is newer and Nikon may have improved the motors that drive the focusing? However, the N90s is a very good camera.

Give them a try!

-- Joel Young (youngjm@mediaone.net), November 13, 2000.

For the non-AF-S version, the N90s will focus significantly faster and hunt less. For the AF-S version, N80 will be slightly faster and hunt less. In general, N90s' ability to focus screw-driver type AF lens with its center focus point will be significantly better than N80. The N90s appearently has a stronger internal motor, and 2 distinct lens drive gear ratios. The slower speed is used in searching for a difficult focus, and a very fast speed once the necessary focus movement are determined. The N80's onboard drive mechanism appears to lack the faster speed, and hunts and focuses with the same lower gear.

-- Chuck Fan (chaohui@msn.com), November 13, 2000.

Also, would battery consumption be a factor in this as well considering that the N80 runs on expensive Lithium batteries?

-- Ron Gregorio (gregorio@ksc.th.com), November 14, 2000.

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