I Remember....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : NewtonGrove : One Thread

What are some of your fondest memories of Newton Grove. Old and new memories are very welcome! Let's see how much history we can post here!

-- Renee (webmaster@newtongrove.org), November 09, 2000


My family moved from NC to Ga as I was growing up, and we lived at Newton Grove numerous times during my youth. I have not been back to Newton Grove in 20 years, but I have great memories of the People in that town, they are genuine and have a real concern for other folk, you always felt welcomed wherever you were.My fondest memories were the cute 5 & Dime that was at the circle and the old fashioned Pharmacy that was there also. I still have family there (an Aunt that works at the Bank) and hope to return to visit soon.

-- Paul Stewart (PaulStewart31808@aol.com), October 11, 2001.

i havent been to newton grove in about 35-40 years,but i enjoyed it as a kid.

-- george e. gregory jr. (gbigblock427@msn.com), June 24, 2001.

I have lived here my whole life so I have so many fond memories about Newton Grove I could write a book. But I believe that my fondest memories are when my daddy would take my riding every Sunday after church while Mama cooked lunch. She always told us not to eat any junk because we needed to eat Sunday Lunch. But when we left we would always go by the bank where they used to have the sign that told the time and temperature and then we would stop at the Quick Stop and get a can coke and a bag of potato chips anyway. When we left there I was the navigator. If I said to turn right, we would. We would ride around the outskirts of Newton Grove for about an hour and head back to the house. After lunch I would go in the backyard and watch my brothers and their friends play volleyball. I could tell alot more, but I believe this is good enough for now.

-- Amanda Brook Monk (monkey@intrstar.net), February 16, 2001.

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