Frugal Coffee Drinkers : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

If any of you are coffee drinkers that use drip type makers, you can be frugal and stretch your coffee purchase by using two filters instead of one, and then use less coffee. Depending on how robust the coffee is that I'm using, I can get by with 50% to 75% of normal. It does take a lot longer to brew, so allow extra brew time.

-- Notforprint (, November 07, 2000


Thanks, I'll pass it on to my wife.

-- Jay Blair (, November 07, 2000.

Try a 'French' coffee press, that uses no electricity. You just add the boiling water. Largest common size makes 8 cups. I love it.

-- Anne (, November 07, 2000.

I don't know if I am frugal with coffee....I love coffee, the way it smells, the making of it, the feel of a warm cup in the hand, the taste...pure bliss. How does using two filters make it last longer? I would think it would be weaker, which being a nut about coffee I wouldn't like.

-- Doreen (, November 08, 2000.

Because it does goes through the grounds slower, it picks up more of the flavor giving the same strength with less coffee used.

-- Notforprint (, November 08, 2000.

Thanks, NFP. Sometimes my brain doesn't work so well late at night after monitoring the elections...

-- Doreen (, November 08, 2000.

We use darker roasts, and that seems to let us get by with using less coffee.

-- Connie (, November 08, 2000.

We save our coffee grounds then use half as much coffee with them.

-- Lena (, November 08, 2000.

The french press situation is great! I have a little italian coffee maker thing which is great - give me an espresso and I am set. ... hate weak coffee (dirty water!!)

-- kelly (, November 10, 2000.

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