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Coke or Pepsi?For the record, my answer is PEPSI. Ahhhhh, Pepsiiiiiiiiiiii. It's crisp, it's refreshing, it's yummy yum yum....
-- Anonymous, November 06, 2000
COKE. coke coke coke coke coke.people who like pepsi might as well be ROLLERBLADERS. shudder.
-- Anonymous, November 06, 2000
DR PEPPER'nuff said.
-- Anonymous, November 06, 2000
Well, my favorite drinks are lemonade, Canadian Ice Tea; and a certain can beverage that starts with a G. But I'm also a Pepsi fan. Coke kills my stomach. And the Pepsi can is cooler.
-- Anonymous, November 06, 2000
PEPSI!!!! AWWWWW YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Coke is too sweet and has a nasty aftertaste. Mmmm pepsi
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Definitely Pepsi, thankyouverymuch:-)
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Diet Coke! For it is the fountain of all that is not-sleepiness! Full of nutrasweetie goodness!*holds up her 2-liter* Behold the niftyness! (is that a word?)
Alright, I'll stop now. ^_^;
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Oh God, sweet Coke, my life's blood, my existance. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I get headaches and feel like puking a lot. Mmm, coke. :)
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Pepsi!! Sweet sweet nectar of the gods!
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
I need my COKE, because you can chug it. (Coincidentally, that's the reason my friend gave me on the way home lasted night. I asked why he didn't want to savor his beverage of choice: "When you're really thirsty, you're really thirsty.")
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Dude.. juice. Orange, grape or apple. But NO mixing!! None of that Orange and Pineapple, Apple and Blackcurrent touchy queery crap. I haven't had Pepsi since I was 7, and Coke I drink like every 3 months. They're way too trendy and boring. Yay juice, the sweet, sweet juices of mother nature's offerings.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
most definitely PEPSI!
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Me: Coke, Vicki: Coke -- you're outnumbered Katie! Coke is it.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
COKE--Because I like the taste better. Pepsi is too sugary for me.My alma mater university is a Pepsi whore.
Actually, if you really want to get on my good side, give me BIRCH BEER. mmmmmmmmmm.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Uhm, Mountain Dew. If I have to choose between Pepsi and Coke, I'd go with Coke, but I find both pretty revolting. :P
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Welcome to the South. We drink Coke here. In fact, if you go anywhere other than certain heathanistic parts of this country, they drink Coke, too. Go to Eurpoe sometime and ask for a Pepsi - it's grounds for deportation.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Neither. Can we say "invest in Burma?"
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Noelle must be my unknown of twin sister. I MUST have Coke in order to function. AT LEAST two cans a day.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Coke. Yes, Coke, and REGULAR Coke too, don't give me any of that diet crap! For years I had no preference (mainly because I couldn't quite tell the difference between the two), and then our local sports and entertaiment complex changed its name to (get this) Pepsi Arena. As you can probably guess, I now hate Pepsi based solely on principle. Of course, it's easy to avoid Pepsi when you live in a Coke household anyway...There is one exception. The only Pepsi product I will drink is Mountain Dew. I'd elaborate, but I've already rambled long enough. And then there's Dr Pepper (no period, remember) and Price Chopper iced tea, the nectar of the gods. (Price Chopper being a Northeastern US grocery chain, for those who wanted to know...)
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
DIET COKE! Without it, I am worthless. ;)
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Coke! definitely coke!
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
coke. hands down.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but I love Mountain I like Coke products AND Pepsi products. =)
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Thank you Ariana, another juice lover out there!I can't stand soda of any kind. The only carbonated thing I will drink is sparkling cider and champagne. No soda for me. I don't know why, I guess I just don't like the taste. They taste too phony, too manufactured. I dunno.
Did you know that when they first came out with Coke, it was green? That kind of weirds me out to think of what they put in those things...
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
I can't remember the last time I had a cola drink. It's been years. I only drink milk and fruit juice. BUT... if I didn't hate cola drinks, I'd drink Coke, because you'll probably be jailed in Atlanta if you try to order a Pepsi. We have a MUSEUM devoted to Coke here. It's really dorky.
-- Anonymous, November 07, 2000
Pepsi. End-o-story.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 2000
Coke is a little slice of what's still left of America that's good. You drink Coke to unwind and settle the swirling demons of life so you can get going with your life. Pepsi is something you drink because it's supposed to be cool."Well, hey skeezniks, you ain't cool, you're fuckin' chili. And chili ain't cool." - George Carlin.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 2000
I can't believe how many Pepsi lovers there are out's so rare that i ever run into an avid Pepsi fan. But yeah, Coke rocks my world, Pepsi's disgusting.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 2000
My old chemistry teacher drank decaffinated, diet Pepsi every single day. Isn't that the WORST? That's like, watery mud. Ugghghghgh.
-- Anonymous, November 09, 2000
Water. I haven't drunk (drank? whatever...) soda in over 3 years, but i think i used to like Coke better.
-- Anonymous, November 09, 2000
coke. definetly coke.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 2000
If someone told me i had to drink PEPSI or PISS, i'd say, "piss PLEASE!"
-- Anonymous, February 21, 2001
I don't like gross looking people drinking my drink (Coke)! Let them drink Pepsi (The P-word). If you have ever noticed, the disgusting people always Drink pepsi. I guess its Nature! So Drink COKE!
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001
I like diet pop.DIET COKE
but for normal pop, PEPSI.
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001
I turned on my television set for the first time since I can remember and Britney Spears was doing that Pepsi commercial mentioned in Digital Ink not long ago. She is undeniably sexy- I don't care what anyone says (however, her music does nothing for me, aurally or otherwise). I'm switching to Pepsi now. Coke tastes old. Thanks Britney.
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2001
WATER for me too ( i'll agree with Ally ) but NO evian it has a strange taste to it....( they get it downstream from a pasture ) and, IT'S NOT POPPPPPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
COOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHH IT IS THE BEST!!! that wonderful burning sensation it produces in my mouth. i love it i love it i love it!
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001
Coke. It keeps me awake, and I could use one now.
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001
tee hee! all your base are belong to us. that website rocks
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001
coke coke coke coke!!!!!! I switched from a coke school (VCU) to a pepsi school (CNU) and when I went back, VCU had go to the dark side. bastards.For me. . .coke is it!
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001
coke. pepsi hardly sells in the UK, and i havent seen it ANYWHERE in germany.
-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001
I may have to rethink my anti-Pepsi stance upon finding out that Christina Aguilera (*insert gagging noise here*) will be making commercials for Coke. I almost killed myself when I heard that...
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2001
Diet Dr. Pepper. And If I can't have that... Diet Pepsi. I'm not a Coke fan at all (regular coke makes me yak... seriously). I went to Mexico for a week and about died from Dr Pepper withdrawls. Everything down there is Coke, but a few places have Pepsi. If you're ever in Mexico, stock up on Manzana Lift. That stuff rules. ^_^
-- Anonymous, April 08, 2001
Water. As in, tap water (though preferably chilled). Failing that, orange juice, milk, or if I feel like sugar, lemonade. Coke/Pepsi just make your teeth sticky and yucky.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2001
GIVE IT UP PEOPLE!!!PEPSI SCUKS AT EVERYTHING!! IT TASTES LIKE CRAP!!! Coke it real, it's pure, its crisp.....frankly its better than any other soft drink if ever drank. all u pepsiholics are traders!! drinking caffine, sugar and carmel color!! my motto is. bad-de-bad- bad-bad,bad-da-bad-bad-bad!!! joy of sickness!!! now the coke song should go like this, pepsi cola's spearding sickness throught the ari, whenever there screwed up coca-cola is there!!!final word: PEPSI SUCKS SH*T!!!! IT'S A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!!! GIVE IT UP!!!!!
-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001
You people all need lives. Holla!
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
did you ever get an e-mail saying how coke can clean just about anything? you know like clean off a corroded car battery? well when i drink coke, it's just like that. it goes into my stomache and feels like its eating away at my insides. thats how nasty it is! i need that extra syrupy taste to get me through the day.. ahhh.. pepsi.. how i love thee......
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001
Always Coca-Cola! Pepsi tastes like cinnamon and it's hella watered down with extra caffiene...i can't stand how my school only sells Pepsi...they're turning us into pepsi zombies... plus, has Pepsi expanded to every country in the world? Hell no! If you want a pepsi overseas you would have to go back to america (in my case canada) -So long, I'm getting thirsty just talking about Coke!
-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001
pepsi sucks. it has horrible logos, bad colors, brittney spears (trendy people drink pepsi), and look at their sayings: the next generation??? look at cokes : enjoy, life tastes good, have a coke and a smile, drink coke, the real thing(pepsi is fake).......its all about living life and expereiencing it with the people you love, pepsi is just "the next generation of people who think they are better than everyone." coke wins. it's full of memories.
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001
PEPSI SUCKS!!! Now before you get mad, here's why i think it does :) 1-it tastes like coke only like its been sitting out in the sun for the last three days. 2- Coke was the original, pepsi totally ripped off a patent! (sorta..) 3-Coke has class! It kicks ass! Look at coca cola ads "Life Tastes Good" Thats their message look at Pepsi ads "Everywhere, people like pepsi better than coke" what a bunch of pompous assholes!If you disagree with me, PLEASE e-mail me asap! If i made a pepsi-coke transition, PLEASE e-mail me and lemme know!
k? :)
-- Anonymous, August 17, 2001
DIET COKE!!! I rather drink a coke product then a pepsi one cause coke didn't use that fake big tited whore as a spokes model aka titney Spears! so it's definatly DIET COKE maybe Britney should try diet( fatt ass)!!!!!
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2001
Tracie must be anorexic. Britney's a "fat ass"? No, she's healthy. If you consider her fat then you've been brainwashed by the fashion media and their idea of the perfect woman (bones and little else). And Coke uses Stick-Girl Christina Aguilera, but I'll drink Coke anyway. But there is absolutely no point to diet soda. "Why yes, I want to drink soda like everyone else but I'd like mine to taste like CRAP!"
-- Anonymous, August 22, 2001
-- Anonymous, July 27, 2002