bee equipment : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Im getting 3 supers with frames,, they are used. I know foulbrood can stay on the equipment, but for how long? Is there anything I can do to them?

-- STAN (, October 31, 2000


the only cure for foulbrood is to burn the hives and start over. this is from joel's bee books. you should have any hives inspected before using them. i know joel would take them to virginia tech universty. maybe you have a similar place close ? becky

-- Joel Rosen (, November 01, 2000.

Becky, still praying all goes well in Texas! Make sure he gets a word on the forum when he returns. Ed

-- Edward G. Weaver (, November 01, 2000.

well, since these havnt been used in years,, hence, no bees, can they still detect foulbrood?

-- STAN (, November 01, 2000.

I ask joel and he said yes.

-- becky (, November 02, 2000.

foulbrood spores go dormant til bees are present. you can scorch the hive body & frames. an old method is boiling in lye water. varroia mites are a much worse threat than foulbrood. htt://www.hive- is a good web site to find a local bee club & hook up with some experienced bee keepers. good luck, Larry

-- Larry (, November 03, 2000.

You have bigger worries than foulbrood. Mites are more common and won't necessarily be on the equipment. I would say it was worth the risk to use the equipment.

-- Anne (, November 03, 2000.

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